Chapter 9

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Karito Pov

That night while I was sleeping I was having a dream of a women wearing white armor but she had her back turned to me so I couldn't see her face at all but there was something about her I can't put my finger on it just yet. Was my dream telling me something? I shook off the dream and continue to sleep until the next morning I was woken up by weight on my body making me remove the covers to see Albedo laying On top of me was Albedo sleeping like a angel well not a angel per say but you get where I'm going with this. Anyway  like a shadow managed to get out of bed without waking Albedo up and went to take my shower to get ready for bed. Once dress I headed downstairs where Kalawarner was cooking me breakfast.

"Good morning my lord did you sleep well?" Kalawarner asked as she served me some grits, eggs and potatoes and a tall glass of orange juice. 

"Somewhat I had a weird dream last night about a women in white armor but I cant see her face I fill like I should know her or something perhaps I'm over thinking it." I replied before taking a sip of the juice.

"I'm sure you figure it out." Kalawarner said 

"After breakfast I grabbed my bags and left the house where I saw Raven training with her sword skills before telling me to be safe which I smile back before walking down the street. While I was walking I was lost in thought going over some stuff when I heard a girl fall to the ground and saw Issei running over

"Oh no, looks like I fell down again... I'm such a clutz." The girl said as she set up. Being Issei he was being perverted as usually until he snapped out of his perverted fantasies and went to help her up.

"Hey there are you okay?" Issei asked helping her to her feet.

"Yeah I'm okay really." She replied as her veil flew off and land a few feet away from her as Issei went to get it. AS he did he had a perverted smile on his face before returning it to her. She thanked him as they started to walk.

"You know sometimes I hate that pervert." Nightmare said

"That makes two of us." I said as I followed them making sure Issei doesn't do anything perverted to her.

I followed the both of them until they came across a little boy crying due to hurting his knee.

"Don't cry here let me help you." The girl said as she walked over and placed her hands over the little boys knee as a green light came from her hands as the boys wound began to heal. The boy thanked the girl as he ran off.

"Well that's something you don't see everyday." I said as I  walked up behind them scaring Issei.

"Dude were did you come from?" Issei  asked while I  just smiled.

"Around." I replied.

"And who might you be?" I asked politely.

"My name is Asia it's nice to me you." Asia replied. 

"It nice to met you my name is Karito and I must say you are very beautiful." I said making her smile. I had to admit she was pure of heart if there was any other man around they would take advantage of her still can't say the same for Issei.

*time skip*

The three of us walked down the street heading to a church. I looked over at Issei and notice his hand tensed up not surprising were close to a church and he's a devil so that was not a surprise considering were at a church which is a big no-no for him or any devil. Lucky I'm an devil and demon plus so the church didn't have a effect on me.

"Issei I think you should get going  I stay with Asia for a bit." I said making Issei walk off while I talked with Asia. I  found out that she was branded a heretic and a heathen because she healed a devil when he was injures. I thought to myself just because she healed a devil doesn't mean they can cast her out bunch of incompetent fools.  I  thought on the subject a bit more until I made it to the front gate of the school but stopped as I felt I was being watched by someone but whoever it was is doing a good job hiding. Once I got to the class room I walked inside only for Rias to look at me like I just stole her favorite sex toy or something but I didn't care so I continue to my seat and sat down and opened my book. The rest of the day went by with no problems minus the girls giving me sweets to be honest I wanted to beat them back with a thot stick or use thot spray on them but what can I say girls do love bad boys depending on your point of view.

Son of The fallen OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora