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for the past year, daniel seavey had been away at boarding school

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for the past year, daniel seavey had been away at boarding school. stevenson school up in pebble beach california.

now he's coming home for the summer to the family mansion in calabasas. the richest gated community called the oaks.

the drive was over five hours, daniel's parents had their personal driver pick him up in the black limo. it's not a home coming unless you show up in a limousine right?

so after five long hours in the back of the limo, he finally arrived home. 25242 prado del misterio. the large, luxurious house making the boy smile. oh how he missed being home.

only reason he was at the stevenson school was because his parents decided to send him after he started acting out of control. taking advantage of whatever he could because he was rich.

daniel didn't care, he went to the school and came home for the summers, doing whatever he wanted with his best friends, jack avery and jonah marais.

stepping out of the limousine, he was greeted by his favourite worker. the head maid, martha. a sweet old lady who had been working for his parents for as long as he could remember.

"welcome home daniel!" martha spoke in her naturally kind voice. "it's good to be home martha." daniel sweetly spoke back. "your parents are in the backyard, why don't you go in and see them, wayne will get your belongings." martha smiled.

so daniel walked through his home, heading out to the backyard to see his parents. "mom! dad!" he called out, catching their attention as they both broke into smiles, hugging their son. "how was the drive darling?"

"long. but i slept for at least an hour of it." daniel chuckled. "that's great dear, we have gloria making your favourite tonight, go get yourself settled back in sweetie." his mother said.

"actually jack called me on the drive, so i'm gonna go meet up with him. i'll be back later okay?" daniel replied, walking back inside and heading up to his bedroom quickly to change before hopping back in the car and having their driver take him to meet jack.

the car pulled into a parking spot at the commons of calabasas shopping center. daniel went inside toward the shoe store, feature, where he knew jack would be. that boy loves his shoes.

"daniel! welcome back buddy." jack greeted his best friend with the classic bro hug move. the dyed blonde shopped for shoes with jack as they caught up about the past several months. "oh! so zach and i went to this awesome concert at the roxy theatre and-"

"wait wait, who the hell is zach?" daniel cut him off, a confused look adorning his facial features. "my boyfriend. dude i told you this over the phone like months ago."

the blonde thought for a moment, "oh right! right! sorry dude totally slipped my mind for a second." daniel chuckled. in all honesty, he didn't remember a single thing. the boy had no recollection of that conversation with jack.

daniel's mostly caught up in his own world, paying attention to things that only concern him. he has no memory of his best friend telling him about his new boyfriend.

jack has been dating this boy who was a year younger than him, zach herron, for almost four months now.

so now the pair left the shopping center and went to jack's house in the greater mulwood section of calabasas. it's a lot smaller than daniel's place of course. the seavey's practically had an estate compared to jack's house.

as much as the two were best friends, jack always did feel self-conscious around daniel. the dyed blonde had everything, got whatever he wanted when he wanted it. he's used to having endless space in the house and people getting things for him, cleaning up after him.

jack's life, he makes his own way. he cleans up after himself, he takes care of his siblings and makes his own food. makes his own bed, washing his own dishes. he drives himself around.

when jack told daniel he was gay, the boy was supportive of course. he didn't react badly, but jack has always felt like daniel looked at him differently now. like he thought of him in a different way now.

but he loved zach more than anything. he just wanted to cherish the boy every minute of every day.

that made jack different from daniel. the rich boy had one girl he would fool around with when he was home for the summers, faye thompson. they acted as if they were in a relationship but they weren't. it was always just random sex whenever they wanted.

he was rich, she was rich. both acted as if they owned everything and everyone. like entitled rich assholes.

daniel never cared to settle down with anyone, he just hooked up with faye, that was it. but jack, he wanted to be with zach more than anything in the world. all he wanted was the sixteen-year-old with like brown hair and rosy cheeks and a goofy personality.

then there was jonah, the third member of their little party. nineteen, student at stanford, home for the summer. also a rich kid like daniel, of course the seavey's were still richer. but jonah wasn't as stuck up as daniel was. he treated everyone as if they were his friend.

now jonah's the one of the group who's never been in a relationship, he's never wanted one. jonah just wasn't interested in that. about a year ago he came to realize he was asexual-aromantic, he just wasn't interested in a relationship.

needless to say, the three friends were very different from one another.

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