Code Blue

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"Dr. Charles," Natalie called. "I have this patient. Fourteen-year-old girl fell from a fourth-story window. But, here's the thing. When we arrived she was at least six yards from the building. And the principal told me that there is a desk in front of that very window."

"You're suspecting she jumped?" He wondered.

"Her friend seems to think she would never even consider it, but I'm not ruling it out just yet." Dr. Manning admitted. "But, there is no way that this case was an accident. If she didn't jump, we may have a case of attempted murder."

Daniel Charles winced at those words. It was a word that, unfortunately, was heard too many times in the ED.

"The other thing, she's incredibly anxious so, I suggest maybe sending in Dr. Reese."


"Hey, Callie. My name's Dr. Reese. I was wondering if I could have a word with you." She said as she entered the booth.

"Are you the psychiatrist?" Callie wondered.

"Well, you sure do know your stuff, huh?" Reese pulled up a chair.

"I'll go wait outside," Alana informed before heading out of the booth.

"I didn't jump," Callie stated plainly. "I know that's what you're trying to figure out, but I didn't."

"I believe you." Reese nodded. "I just wanted to have a little chat, I know you're a little nervous, but I'm just a friend, okay?" The brunette nodded.


"Hey, anything?" Natalie wondered as Sarah left Callie's room, gesturing for Alana to go back inside before joining Natalie and April behind the desk.

"She's adamant that she didn't jump. And she definitely doesn't fit the profile." Dr. Reese explained, being sure to keep quiet. "She's got plans to got to university, her heart is set on becoming the youngest doctor in the states, right here at Chicago Med."

"Well, she's got the brain for it, I'll give her that," Natalie admitted. "Did she happen to mention anyone that it could have been?"

"No, she says she doesn't remember what happened before you got there."

"What about her parents? Did she say anything?" April wondered.

"I asked her about them but she completely shut off. Refused to respond."

"Yeah, she did that earlier too." Dr. Manning mentioned. "I'll see what I can do. She's gotta stay here for a little while anyway but we can't dismiss her without a guardian to sign the papers. Dr. Reese, see if you can catch a moment with Alana, I feel like there's something she's not telling us."

"On it."

"I'll get in touch with the school and see if they can help us contact the parents," April assured with a nod before each woman headed off in a different direction.


"DR. MANNING!!!" Alana's voice echoed across the E.D. Natalie's head swung around from the monitor screen she was reading. "Something wrong!"

"Dr. Choi, cover trauma 3. April, with me." Natalie ordered as she raced into Callie's room, shortly followed by Nurse Sexton. "She's seizing." Dr. Manning lowered the head of the bed, to lay her down flat.

"Blood pressure is 130/80 and rising. Heart rate 150." The nurse read on the monitor.

"April, get me 3 of Lorazepam and tell CT to clear a space, we need to get her in now!"

April headed towards the door only to be halted by a piercing beeping sound behind her.

"Damn it!" Natalie cursed to herself as she pressed a large blue button on the wall and began compressing the young teen's chest. "She's in cardiac arrest."

"Dr. Halstead!" April called. "Code blue!" She raced back inside and grasped the oxygen mask from the wall, covering the girl's face and pressing the air sack every few seconds while Natalie continued compressions.

Dr. Halstead raced in with a defibrillator.


"How's Callie doing?" Maggie wondered as April and Natalie exited her room.

"She's stable." Dr. Manning explained. "They're taking her up to CT now. GCS has gone down from a nine to a six."

"Poor girl."

"Yeah. Did you manage to contact her parents?" Natalie hoped.

"No nothing yet." Maggie sighed. "We tried calling her father, but it was a wrong number, I contacted the school principal but they can't get through to him either."

"What about the mother?"

"No info." She shrugged. "Alana's parents arrived a few minutes ago asking about her though."

Natalie turned to see the blonde sitting in Callie's room, with her parents on either side of her. She furrowed her brow in thought.

"Nat, what are you thinking?" Maggie wondered.

"These girls are really close. And I have a feeling that Alana knows more about Callie than she's letting on." Dr. Manning explained. "I'm gonna go talk to her."

"Let me know if you need anything."


"Mr. and Mrs. Wilson?" Dr. Manning called as she knocked on the door.

"Dr. Manning!" Alana cheered. "Where's Callie, is she okay?"

"She's still in CT. She should be back down here soon." Natalie explained. "But I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions. Questions that could really help her."

"O-okay..." She nodded in agreement.

"Do any of you know how we can get in contact with Callie's parents?" She asked. "We can't get in contact with her father and we have no information on her mother."

"Her mother died when she was eleven." Alana's mother, Julia, mentioned. "Murder. Callie was the only one there when it happened."

"Which explains why she shut off when we brought it up." Natalie thought to herself. "What about her father, do you know how we can contact him?"

"Sorry, we haven't heard from him in years." Harry, Alana's father told her. Natalie noticed that the young blonde had gone uncharacteristically quiet, fidgeting and picking at her cuticles.

"Sweetie, is there something you're not telling us?" No response. Alana just bit her lip. "Honey, if you know something, it's important that you tell us."

"I can't. I promised her I wouldn't." The young blonde fought.

"I understand. But it's important that we contact her father or we may have to involve the social services." Natalie explained. "Alana, I know you're trying to protect your friend but right now the best thing you can do for her is to tell us what you know."

The young blonde fought the urge to cry but failed and began sobbing. Her mother held her tightly to soothe her, running her fingers through her daughter's hair.

"You have the right number." She cried. "Her father is in Spain. With his secretary."

"So, do you know who Callie has been staying with? Grandparents or a friend or-" Natalie paused as Alana shook her head.


"She's been left by herself?" Dr. Manning gasped. "How long has her father been away?"

"Two years."


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