The New Uppermoons

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Tanjiro was walking around the Infinite Palace for the first time in ages. Muzan had insisted that he stayed safe and hidden in their room. Tanjiro had finally convinced his lover to let him roam the halls. Tanjiro had been kept in his room for 600 years and was really bored of seeing the same walls everyday. When he was walking he noticed a demon wearing rather revealing clothing. "Hello!" Tanjiro called to her. She turned around and jumped at him. She pinned him to the wall. "Who are you?" she growled. (Sorry I don't know how Daki would react to an intruder-) "I'm Tanjiro!" he said with a smile. The demon looked very confused. "Well, uh- I'm Daki, Uppermoon 6." Daki replied, clearly confused. "I'm Uppermoon 0!" he said. Daki's jaw dropped. "B-But Uppermoon 0 isn't real!" she stammered. "Who told you that?" Tanjiro said confused. "Muzan!" she replied. Tanjiro rolled his eyes. "Of course he did!" Tanjiro said making Daki jump. "He's an idiot!" Tanjiro giggled after he said the last part. "DON'T SPEAK ABOUT HIM THAT WAY!" Daki yelled. "What is going on here?!" The two turned around to see none other then Muzan Kibutsuji. Daki bowed down to Muzan but Tanjiro remained standing. "Tanjiro!" Muzan said, smiling. "Hello love!" Tanjiro said. He walked toward Muzan and kissed him on the cheek. Daki was very confused. "M-Master you have a BOYFRIEND?!" she said, surprised. Muzan glared at her and she shut up. "Gather the Uppermoons for a meeting!" Muzan ordered. "Y-Yes Master." Daki said. Then she ran off to gather the other Uppermoons. 

The Uppermoons were all gathered waiting to hear from Muzan. "What happened to Daki?" Douma asked. "Shut up Douma!" Akaza said. He had been listening to Uppermoon 2's voice all day and couldn't stand it anymore. Douma whined but Akaza just ignored him. Muzan entered the room and everything went quiet. "Uppermoons," he began. "I have someone I want you to meet." All of the Uppermoons were confused. Except Daki of course. "Come in love." Muzan said. LOVE?! The Uppermoons were shocked. Someone around the same age as Muzan walked through the door and kissed him on the cheek. "Everyone, this is Uppermoon 0." Muzan said. "My boyfriend." Douma's jaw dropped. Akaza was fine with it and so were the other Uppermoons, but Douma couldn't contain his shock. "Huh?!" Douma blurted. "You're gay?!" Muzan glared at him but the newbie stepped forward. "Yes, he is!" Muzan's lover said. "My name is Tanjiro Kibutsuji and I am Muzan's husband!" Akaza didn't know what he thought about Tanjiro. I guess if they're married then he's an experienced Uppermoon... Akaza thought. It wasn't the news that he was expecting, but that didn't matter. As long as Muzan and Tanjiro were happy, why did it effect him? "I want you all to get to know him." Muzan said. He kissed Tanjiro on the forehead and then left them alone to socialize. Douma walked up to him first. "I'm Douma, Uppermoon 2!" he said happily. "Ignore him," Akaza said. "He may be powerful, but he has no respect." Tanjiro blinked and then walked over to Akaza. Akaza started sweating. This wasn't just any demon, this was Muzan's lover. "What's your name?" Tanjiro asked smiling. "A-Akaza, Uppermoon 3..." he stammered. Tanjiro smiled and patted Akaza on the head. This is... nice! Akaza thought. He closed his eyes and calmed down. All of his worries disappeared. Douma laughed but he didn't care. Head pats were his new favourite thing!

Muzan walked past to check on how his beloved was doing. He opened the door slightly and saw him getting along with Uppermoon 3. Muzan smiled and watched them chat for a bit before walking away. He had things to do and people to see. He had a plan to prepare for...

Memories | Muzan x Demon! Tanjiro (LEGAL VER.) | DISCONTINUED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum