Chapter 2

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Luca's view:

I woke up as early like I always do, but... I WAS RIGHT BETWEEN ALBERTO! I blushed hard after realized, I shook my head to cool down and knocked on Gulias window.

She opened up the window "Hi luca! Jeez Luca.. your red...? Did anything happened?" She looked at me and Alberto.

"W-What?! No no I hit my face on the tree" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Mmh.... Ok!" She said pulling me into her room

"Ouch!" I tumbled over, face first before getting up quickly.

"Oh, Sorry luca!" Gulia said with a smile  doing that on purpose, she closed the window, turning to me now.

"It's fine" I said, holding my head.

"Lets go!" Gulia said as she dragged me to the kitchen.

I sit down in one of the chairs and she was going to make expresso that always woke me and Alberto up

"Here you go!" She handed to me.

I got it and drink it my eyes went wide and start chuging.

Alberto walked out of Gulias room searching for me before getting stopped.

"Here you go" Gulia said, handing it to Alberto.

He grabbed it and just like Luca his eyes went wide and start chugging the whole thing.

A laughed a bit and he looked at me with a slight red on his face but he shook it off.

"Ah! Today me and my dad aren't here today cause we have a fish contents and it will take all day, so dont do anything crazy!" She waved good bye as she left

Alberto got up and went to Gulias room I followed him and he floped down on Gulias bed resting his eyes

I stood there and got on top of him before sitting down right next to him, looking around the room, before,
I realized I what I was doing so I got off the bed, but he grabbed me and put me right beside him.

"Stay" He demanded but in a nice way

We were both red at this point, I eventually let it happen letting myself wonder why is this happening??? As I turned to look at him, but he was already asleep? I think. I let myself sink in a comfortable position feeling myself drift off to sleep, but realized I couldn't the expresso drink was keeping me up. How did he sleep???

I manged to get out somehow without waking him up.

I was going to walk around as I thought to myself.

Does Alberto like me? Why did he let me cuddle him?? What is this feeling?!
Good thing that Ecola something- isn't here over this summer.

I sigh as I went to go back, but to see is Alberto watching a moving tv thing in Gulias room, He actually managed to make it work?

I sit right beside him we both watched it awkwardly.

He broke the awkward silence we had.

"So... Where were you?" He said still looking at the screen.

"Oh! Just walking around" I said looking at him.

He looked at me, my heart raced fast as my face was heating up I looked away fast.

He got my hand than my waist he put me on his lap. (😨)...

I was having a panic attack right there cause I couldn't move, he laughed as he hugged me from behind and "fell asleep" again.

I guess I was cozy and warm around him. I turned my head now facing towards him. Then had a thought... before I could react, my body did and give him a peek on the cheek and turned away fast and digged in to my face, blushing massive now, It's too noticeable now.

(This shit is so cheesy I'm dying 😘)

He laughed a bit, i froze and right there in then i was screwed.

(Why are y'all still reading ☹️)

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