- colin bridgerton ✓

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ANGEL OF MUSIC" think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye "

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" think of me, think of me fondly,
when we've said goodbye "

title. — angel of music
timeline. — season one-
oc name. — clara davenport*
face claim. — bruna marquezine*
love interest. — colin bridgerton

" what would you know of passion? have you ever had to fight for anything in life? "

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" what would you know of passion? have
you ever had to fight for anything in life? "


Clara Davenport had been fascinated with the theatre ever since she'd been so lucky as to attend an opera at the age of seven. There was something magical about it that never faded away even as she grew into a young lady.

       Theatre awakened something in her; the set, the costumes, the dancing, the music.

        It consumed her; it made her feel alive. A feeling that seemed awfully foreign in the London's uptight society.

        She was permitted to sing occasionally within the polite confines of her home, only when it was to accompany her sister's pianoforte playing, yet there was no audience, there was no drama, no urgency.

       And while one might debate that being a debutante in polite society is a performance in itself, Clara believed it was nothing compared to being on a stage; a place where she longed to be.

        A place where she knew all expectations were left at the door, and one could live in another's shoes just for an evening.

       And she knew because it was exactly what she did.

      While her family and friends knew Clara to be prone to 'frequent headaches' that caused her to miss balls, dinners and the like, they did not know that while they dined and sympathised, she was sneaking out the servants' entrance and travelling to the Royal Drury Lane theatre to perform under the alias of Clara Bell.

        An unknown young performer acclaimed through the West End for her angelic voice and dynamic performances; she was Ophelia, Juliet, Viola.

       She was everything Clara Davenport would never be permitted to be.

       Which was why she was so cautious to ensure that no one ever made the connection between Clara Bell and Clara Davenport.

       But then, inevitably, someone does. His name? Colin Bridgerton.


The Davenports are a fairly prolific family in society with their father being a retired Admiral that fought against America in the revolutionary war.

Clara is the third of four daughters. Her oldest sister, Constance, is married to an Earl while the second oldest, Charlotte, is taking on her third year on the marriage mart and the youngest, Cordelia, has just turned eight.

       — Her best relationship is with her eldest sister, who seems to be the only one that can talk some sense into her as she is very childlike and argumentative with her other two sisters.

— The plot begins with Clara making her debut and struggling to work out how she is going to continue attending the theatre while being occupied at various social events — as a result, she has very little interest in finding a husband as she knows it will put an end to her theatrical career.

— The only person who knows of Clara double life is her dresser, Josie, who has helped her on multiple occasions on protecting her identity. 

— Clara ended up meeting Josie when she was around nine (Josie was in her late teens!) and went on a tour of the Royal Drury Lane Theatre, and subsequently has her to thank for getting her into performing there.

— I played with the idea of there being a very near miss of her identity being discovered by Sienna and Genevieve, as Sienna knows her as Clara Bell in the theatre while Genevieve knows her as Clara Davenport when fitting her for dresses.

— Colin is a rather musically inclined character as we saw in the show, so I imagined him becoming rather entranced with the notion of Clara Bell and later meeting Clara Davenport at a society ball.

       — He thankfully doesn't make the connection then but after spending more time with Clara at various events, and having a run-in with Clara Bell after a performance, he does.

       — Clara is rather entertained by Colin's fascination with her alter ego which subsequently leads her to be a bit more reckless.

      — She's very proud and driven, but is also incredibly humble and grateful that she is able to live her dream and earn a small amount of money from it (which she always passes on to Josie).

      — Society has the impression that she is a bit of a madam as she is very critical and unimpressed with everyone she meets — that is, except Colin Bridgerton.



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