Lesson 2

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Jealousy strike all.

Women are prone to this emotional conditions, so are Men. You hate to see your man to be with someone or somegirl regardless if they are just friends.

For you, it's a no no for him to meet with his highschool buds if there are ladies also in the group aswell; this I totally understand, you wanted him to keep away from distractions, but being buds before you even became his partner means you have to accept both the men and the ladies. Extending friendship with his friends is good.

Remember, if your man knows how to keep you he will stay out of anything that would hurt you. With his lady buds, keeping his distance and avoiding physical contact is a must.

Remember the first lesson, this goes and applies to you as well. Meeting with your old buds means keeping your distance and physical contact away from the guys of the group is needed.

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