Chapter 2 part 2

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Please excuse the mistakes thanks :)


I got home after i finished picking up my little brother Tommy and i told him the news so he could go get ready.

I took a ten minute shower when i got out i blow dried my hair then i put it in a side braid. I then put on a turquoise dree it went down mid thigh. I loved this dress my aunt gave it to me before she died she made it herself. I put on some light brown ankle boots. I put on my regular makeup.

I heard my phone buzz and i saw it was my mom she said:

Hey Honey i am already at the neighbors i will meat yoh there bring you little brother love you.XOXO-mom


Ok mom thanks see you soon. <3

I was done i got my phone and i went into tommys room

"are you ready"

"yah" he replied

He looked do cute he whore an spiderman shirt, with some black skinny jeans and some red converse shoes.

"ok lets go mom is already there waiting for us"

"yay mommy!" he yelled


Before i knew it we were standing at the door and we herd shuffling on the other side of the door. The door finally open and it was my mom and Mrs.Conners

"hi honey" my mom said 

"hi i am Emma it is nice to meat you Mrs.Conners" i said

"hi sweety you can call me Sally and it is nice to meat you too" She said

She seem very nice she had brown hair and light blue eyes. There was a man that came to the door he was tall muscular and he had blond hair with carmel eyes. 

"Hi i am David it is nice to meat you come in come in" he said 

"Hi it is nice to meat you I am Emma and thank you" 

There was a little girl that came running up to me she was cute she had long blond hair just like her dad and she had bright blue eyes like her mom she was whereing a whit little dress with elbow lenghth sleeves.

"Hi i am Rose" She said

"hi i am Emma it is nice to meat you Rose" I said

"Do you want to play ponies i like ponies" she said

" shore"

We ran upstairs and Tommy following behind.

We got to her room and she yelled

"I want the pink horse" she yelled

"eww we are playing ponies" Tommy said

"you get the purple" she told me


We started to play ponies and Tommy played with his action figures. When i heard someone behind me

I turned around to see Blake standing there with his camera

"detet that" I yelled


"why not"

"because i dont want to" He said

I pretended to cry

"please don't cry" he said

he let his grip a little loose so i grabed it out of his hand and ran around the house he started chasing me and i found a tub of water and soap. I dangled the phone above the water

"You wouldn't dare" he said

"Oh but i would"

I turned on his phone and pressed some numbers in and walah I was in i deleted the photo and looked up at him he looked shocked

"how did you do that" He said in a shock

"I am psychic" I replied and i gave the phone back to him


We finished eating dinner it was delicious we had pasta

We soon went home and i went upstairs and carried Tommy who had fallen asleep on his bed and tucked him in.

I went to my room and put on my pj's and got in bed and soon my eyes got heavy and i fell into a sleep. 

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