Chapitre 1

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Kogoro Mouri was watching horse races, as he usually did whenever in his spare time. We were in mid-September, but the weather was as humid and hot as the summer. Conan was reading a manga magazine on the couch. The child was not bothering himself with Kogoro screaming at his bet losses. The door of the detective agency opened to Ran coming back with groceries.

Conan 's phone rang with a message notification a few seconds later. Haibara was sending him an email with a video link. Conan was expecting it to be footage of one of Higo's matches, the soccer player she really liked. He was slightly surprised when he saw, not a soccer play but a tennis one with a boy a few years older than them, as kids, of course. The boy in the video was playing rather well for a middle school student. Conan had to acknowledge this.

The tennis boy had dark hair with green hints and golden-brown eyes. The child detective didn't watch the video and sent a message back to Haibara.

Why did you send me this? He simply asked.

I thought he was great. Haibara replied.

As much as Higo? Lol. Conan taunted

No. Haibara didn't take a minute before texting back.

Ayumi sent me this earlier. The girls are all over him at school. I thought you would like to see it since it's sports.

Not soccer, but he still is pretty good. What's the name? Conan queried.

Ryoma Echizen. Or something like that.

Conan put his phone back into his pocket after replying to Haibara. A few minutes later, someone rang at the agency, and a man came into the door. The man was wearing sunglasses, probably to hide his identity outside. He seemed to be in his thirties to early forties. He was wearing a marine costume with a tie of the same color.

Mouri was taken aback and almost fell from his chair when he came hastily to the man who just entered the room. The man remained unphased by Mouri's behavior and politely saluted everyone.

— Sorry for my sudden arrival but I needed to talk to you as soon as possible. The man simply said.

— Oh... That's alright, go ahead and sit. Mouri slightly struggled to say that last sentence.

Conan stayed by Mouri and waited for the client to explain his demand. The rich-looking client seemed to be surprised by the child's presence but didn't say anything. Ran, who already brought tea for all of them, was standing by the couch.

Mouri asked after the man's request:

— So... Mister Atobe... You want me to protect your son... Or at least, help you find that serial killer going around Tokyo, am I right?

Mister Atobe nodded.

— This... crazy man has killed five teenagers already. Girls, boys... My son Keigo could be next for all I know. And the police seems a bit... Inactive. You are my last resort, mister Mouri. I don't want to lose my son. Not like this.

— Something makes you think your son is the next target? Conan asked.

— Not that much... But you know. That killer appears to like young prodigies, as the news put it. And Keigo is one tennis prodigy for sure.

Mouri was thinking for seconds.

— That makes sense... The detective stated.

— I might go overboard here, but — Did the police tell you anything? They won't tell me anything about the previous crimes. And I heard you were a close advice source of them.

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