This is home

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Mature language (cursing)
Credits to Author for The Book cover! Check out their art it's amazing!
Artist' Instagram: hvnamoon

Uvogin's Perspective

Today was my final day in this disgusting hospital. It smelled of plain old..something I don't know it was just plain. The room I had stayed in for the past 2 weeks had been nothing but hell. A living boring ass hell. The nurses always attempted to talk to me, I think they were growing onto me. Some other patients tried to be all buddy buddy with me as well. But I only had one person on my mind.
He's all I thought about while I was in this hell hole but, unlike everyone else he didn't care to text or even call.
I just left him I mean, I can understand if he's mad. I left him with a single kiss on the cheek before leaving. But..god shut up already. Your already making this corny.

Anyways uh..On top of that I was locked to this rock bed while being questioned by policemen and nosy interviewers. I'm not a huge fan of flashing lights and people, I'm not an actor or some sort of celebrity. And I don't know what breathing on me gives. I mean what's that gonna do? You aren't going to get anything out of me by doing that. I look stupid I know but seriously?

"What was the chain user like?"

"What are his nen abilities?"

Questions I can't even fucking answer myself. I was the one who fought him. Why couldn't I say or even describe him?
The only thing I could only say to them. Nonetheless, describe to them.

We're those scarlet, ruby like eyes.

I shuddered the thought off of my shoulders as I shut off the shower and slid on my clothes.
The boss and Pakunoda were already in the lobby, filling out paperwork of my release.
I walked out back into my hospital room, turning off the tv for the last time and grabbing my bags. My nurse walked in nonetheless, and grabbed my bags from me.

"Uvogin you ready?"

god I hate this specific nurse the most. She's such a kiss ass.

"No I've just been complaining about being here the entire time, no I'm not ready to leave I just looove it here ."
I replied in a somewhat fast pace.
The brunette female brought a small smirk on her face at my sarcasm, spinning on her heel leading me outside to my friends. No. Not friends, family.

The second I walked into the lobby, ignoring every second now that wasn't with my family, I was brought into a hug by Pakunoda.
Tough she may seem, but she really has a heart for her friends. She's always been like an aunt to the rest of the family you could say, but to me she's just like a sister.

"Uvogin you do shit like that EVER again and I'll kill you before the chain user even gets the chance you hear me?"

I let out a nod as I slid my arms around her body, allowing her to continue keeping herself close to me.
After a bit, she let loose and spoke to the nurse. Stuff I didn't need to care about anymore since I'm leaving this place anyways.
I faced the boss, a smile crawled onto his face as he did just what Pakunoda did. Patting my back, he took a step back as a hand was on my shoulder.

"We'll get him. Now come on, let's go home."

"Fuck yeah let's get home"

My answer was more than enough to catch Pakunoda's attention, as I was probably the only person in the world  who had such a straightforward answer and deep voice.
She took hold of the papers given, turning to the car with a hand in her pocket.
Opening the car door, I met face to face with another friend of mine. Machi.

"Hey Komacine. Long time no see"
The pink haired rolled her eyes as she scooted over to give me room to sit.

"Shut up, also we need to talk in a bit it's serious."
I rolled my eyes at this reply, just like she did to me.

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