Time Well Spent

314 6 15

Mature language! Inclusion of Alcohol and Small Violence!

Shalnark's Perspective
It was clear to me now that Uvogin was home, as I heard cheering from beyond the long hallway that lead to my room. But why did I even attempt to give a damn? I told him, no I WARNED him not to go fight the chain user. He could've just let it go couldn't he? But He didn't. That selfish bitch.

I clutched my phone in between my hands as anger began to fill up every inch of my body.

Before this whole..situation, I never felt such rage for someone. At first it was for the chain user, but I was just in denial of the truth. Yes I've felt anger before, nothing like this though. And he was the cause of it.


Uvogin was just flat out selfish and you know what? I wish he was still in the hospital.
I don't even care about him at all now. Cause all he cares about is himself huh? Not even about the people who've helped him through everything. The entire troupe can act like nothing happened but they all know damn well, damn fucking well, that he hurt them too, cause of his selfish act.

And Here I thought maybe, just maybe I could've changed him, but no he's just too self centered for that isn't he?

I could make out small conversations of what the troupe were talking about now that they were celebrating Uvogin's return. Phinks invited me, but I told him I didn't want to see Uvogin. Not after his acts.
The entire troupe can act like nothing happened, be happy and forget, but I can't.
I can't let it go.
I know deep inside I probably wanted to go out and celebrate, maybe even just catch a glimpse of Uvogin again. It would've put me at ease a bit.

I couldn't though.

I don't know why, but I just couldn't force myself to do it.

Just as my thoughts began to go all over the place, I put my focus back onto my game I was playing on my phone.

That's all I'be been doing these passed few days.

For the rest of the days since Uvogin left I decided to pick fights and finally let my thoughts hang out of my head. Be honest for once in my life.

I told Machi she's just a fucking slut cause it's true. She always tries to act all pretty and like some sort of skank.

Told Kortipi he looks like a mop and now that's just what everyone is thinking.
And much more shit.
It came to the point where the boss had to come talk to me so I had to stop unless I would've gotten kicked out.
But I'll ruin him if he even attempts to do that.

I know the chain user better than anyone here.

It wont be long till I even betray them in the slightest.

Unless they learn their place.

Chrollo's Perspective

The troupe, with an exception of one member are all having a good time as far as I can tell.
I ended up ordering them Chinese food with a good side of beer from a vote. Apparently it was the best in the city. Of course I got some wine for myself and Pakunoda cause I'm a wine person.
For once I felt at ease again with my brothers and sisters. Now that Uvogin is back there's nothing we need to worry too much about, other than the chain user and an exceptional person.
The room was filled with multiple conversations about good memories, how the hospital was like for Uvogin, and late missions. We were all having a good time and it showed brightly.

"Guys remember when Feitan used to not have that scarf on all the time? And Machi had her hair like to here."
Franklin gestured to a bit above his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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