I looked at Sam LaRusso and she looked as panicked as I did. I stood up quickly, leaving my bag at my desk. I quickly walked out into the hall where Tory was waiting for me.

"Tory, let's just talk about this okay. Miggy was drunk he didnt mean it, he really likes you and I would never want to change that" I said nervously

She didn't say anything, all she did was kick me backwards into the lockers. I heard Hawk yell something and then everyone started fighting. I had Tory in a good hold and I yelled at everyone to stop. I had everyone's attention and they all stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Look at us. We are just like Sensi Lawrence and Mr. LaRusso. Someone is going to get really hurt and Tory I get that you're upset but you and Miguel and I can sit down and talk about this. Why do we have to be like them?" I ask, looking at everyone.

They all stand there thinking about it

"You might all think that Sensi has failed us but he hasn't. The only person thats failed us is Kreese and our own stupidity" I tell them

Everyone nods their heads and whispers to each other before walking away leaving myself, Tory, Miguel, Sam, Robby, Demetri, Hawk and Moon

I let go of Tory and she immediately turns around and punches me in the face with her spike bracelet digging into my cheek. I put my hands up to defend but she kicks me closer and closer to the railing. I panic and try to kick her back but she catches my foot and throws me to the ground. I stand up and she runs at me again sending me to the railing above the stairs. I look at Miguel and he looks scared he tries grabbing Tory but she pushes him off and she kicks me sending me over the edge of the railing and onto the stairs below. I felt the pain of the fall but quickly lost feeling in my legs. I could hear screaming coming from around me but everything got fuzzy and I closed my eyes.

"Hey Issy, keep your eyes open for me okay" I heard someone tell me

I opened my eyes slowly to see Robby leaning over me holding my hand

"I don't feel so good. I'm tired Robby" I tell him, struggling to keep my eyes open.

I heard Miguel and Sam sit down next to me with Hawk squatting down next to Robby.

"Miggy, I can't feel my legs" I said starting to cry

Miguel went as white as a sheet when the paramedics came in and tried to help me. I closed my eyes in the back of the ambulance as Sam held my hand. I remember things going dark and then all of a sudden it was bright, like I was outside. I couldn't smell or taste anything, I couldn't touch anything and that's when it hit me. I was Dead. I couldn't be dead, I was just awake, I was just talking to Sam.

"Cmon Issy open your eyes, please" I heard someone say bringing me back to reality

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around without moving my head. I rubbed my eyes and turned my head to see Carmen, Yaya and Miguel sitting on one side of the room and Johnny, Robby, Moon and Hawk on the other. Sam was sitting on my bed next to me holding my hand smiling sadly.

"There she is, How do you feel?" Sam asks

"I don't know yet. How long was I out?" I ask, responding carefully

Carmen and Yaya whisper to each other in spanish and I clear my throat.

"Did you forget I can understand you? How long was I out?" I ask

Miguel trades places with Sam and looks at me seriously

"It's been a week since the fight. Issy you went over the railing and broke your lower portion of your spine" Miguel tells me softly

"Will I be able to fight again?" I ask looking at Johnny and Robby

Robby looks down and look at Miguel expecting an answer

"Miggy, what?" I ask

Hawk stood up, holding Moon's hand.

"Sensei Kreese took over the dojo, he kicked out anyone who wasn't Cobra Kai worthy. He recruited a bunch of other people including kyler and his goons. I stayed and I hope you will too" Hawk said smiling slightly

"Why would I want to stay in the dojo that taught my friend how to kick me over a railing breaking my spine?" I ask sarcastically

Hawk looked a little taken aback

"I think you should go and take Moon with you" I told him

Everyone looked at me sadly before getting up and leaving me alone with Robby. He looked down at his feet and I could tell something was wrong. I patted the bed and Robby laid down next to me carefully laying his head on my chest.

"Robby, what's wrong I can see it in your eyes?"

"I moved back in with Dad and I started seeing Sam. I just don't know if doing both is the right thing right now"

"Robby, Johnny is trying. He talks about you all the time and I think if you're happy with Samantha, keep it together. I promise if you ever need to vent to someone or need advice on girls You can ask me"

"I was going to ask you something before the fight with Tory" he started sitting up and looking at me.

I smiled and waited for him to continue

"Dad and I were planning a camping trip with the dojo kids and we want you to come, when you get out of course" Robby said excitedly

I nodded in agreement as my doctor came in with Carmen, Miguel and Johnny. 

"Miss Stafford, how do you feel?" The doctor asked

I shrug and try to sit up but start crying when I can't and the burning feeling runs up between my shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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