Chapter 2 : Angry findings

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( art by : N0tapunchingbag ( twitter ) Proof read and edited!! ) 

Saturday, Garbage duty. The task set to two teenagers in a crazy world, punishment for a huge battle that was caused from jealousy. However, There was only one walking with four black polyethylene bags. Two of which, a green haired boy was meant to be carrying. Yet there was just an ashy blonde teen stomping his way to the bins outside of the dorms. It wasn't a long trek but it wouldn't be fun to do in silence or on your own when your meant to be punished with another.

Katsuki was angry. Which wasn't much of a new occurrence in the short amount of time that Bakugou was living in the dorms and studying in UA. He dumped the trash bags into the larger bins at the entrance to the dorm rooms, green for general trash and black for recycling, He of course respected those rules and dumped the right trash in the right bins.

Once he knew that was sorted with he began to lightly jog back to the dorms, the sun setting at a faster rate than the teen expected. He had one goal ; Find that nerd and torment him for dumping the garbage duty on him. Step one : Get inside the dormitory, Not a hard challenge as it wasn't far, He opened the door and slipped his shoes off and put his indoor shoes on, and began to walk to the communal kitchen, not many people were around as most were studying or hanging out with each other in their rooms. He washed his hands in the sink in the kitchen, he may hate the broccoli boy but that didn't mean making him ill from possible germs. Check.

Step two : climb the steps. Katsuki began his way to the stairs, around the corner to the kitchen so they were close by and it was just getting up them, which was simple, one step at a time, or it would be that way if weren't for the fact Bakugou had been determined to get up the stairs much faster than he normally would have. He was pissed. DynaMight got up the stairs two at a time and fairly quickly, no need for the hand rails. Check.

Step three : Make his way toward the males dorm room, was he aware Deku would be in there? Yes of course he was, it wasn't late or early so he would be watching old all might videos because he was just that much of a dork. He found himself at the boys room door, he tried to knock, but got impatient when there didn't seem to be a life sign inside, so went to open the door. LOCKED. He felt his anger building up. 'That damn nerd never locks his door what is he playing at?' He wasted no time In using his quirk, causing the door handle and its lock to fly off its hinge, as well as the door. He growled as he began to walk in " DEKU YO- " He heard crying.

Confusion set in as he began to try and decipher where the crying was coming from, he looked around and his eyes narrowed into the bed area, seeing a faint outline of a body through smoke, He waited for it too clear. Once it did, which took a few seconds, he stepped closer. He saw a boy. Not the childhood friend he grew up with. Rival was a better word though. His eyebrow raised as he crossed his arms, about to rip him a new one anyway until he saw it. The unmistakable attempt of hiding a pacifier. Pacifier? Izuku doesn't use those he's a teen. He looked closer and saw the bottle nib as well. Curiously he looked at the boy. Now he was certain, The clear diaper bulge through the onesie he wore, which was undeniably cute no matter how much Katsuki tried to hate the boy.

It clicked, not instantly, but eventually. He took a second to try and get his words out, the boy still crying. " M-Midoriya? Can I ask you something? " he wasn't sure how to go about this, after all, if he was correct he may have just made him think he wasn't safe and might shutdown. He approached slowly like approaching a frightened dog. He crouched down infant of Deku. " Its okay, no need to cry buddy. " He tried the words out, His paternal instincts as his own caregiver side kicked in. " Can Kacchan ask you a question hm? " Izuku had curled into the corner by his bed, trying to not be hurt by the blonde. He heard the words and are curious. Nodding slowly, sniffling yet not trusting his words not to expose him.

" Are you a regressor? "

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