Edward meets Vanessa

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The next day at camp , Vanessa hangs out with Skye and Caramel.

Skye- Man , this is cool. The girls here are nice.

Vanessa: Yeah!

Caramel- I wonder how are mothers are.

Hip: They're doing fine.

Back at Camp kidney, the boys are doing crafts*

Mailman: Package for Ratter.

Ratter- Ooh ! It's from Daddy !

Ratter takes the package and opens it.

It is a rare red good luck necklace from Egypt*

Ratter- Ooh !

Devon- Nice !

Hop: Hey look, a note from your dad.

Ratter opens the letter and reads it

Trevor narrating in his head: Dear son, I came back from Egypt to get you this good luck necklace, it was very difficult for me and Barry to get it cause there were booby traps like Indiana jones style, anyway my home got destroyed so I'm staying in Dark town to spend more time with you, oh and I heard your in camp, I was scared to tell you this but my father abandoned me at camp when I was little, I don't want to do that to you son, I hope you make friends there and write us a letter how you are doing with the others, I hope to see you when you come back, love your father, Trevor.

Ratter tears up and cries happily.

Ratter- Oh Daddy...

Edward walks by them.

Edward- Bla bla bla blah! All that mushy stuff is making me sick already!

Gil: Edward parent hater!

Edward-(Points) Oh , whatever , you little jerk !

Gil sticks his tongue at him*

Edward sighs and slaps his forehead.

Edwards- Babies. Why do I even bother ? Keep that little runt away from me.

Edward then leaves .

On Acorn Flats , Vanessa looks and sees a forest trail .

Vanessa: Ooh.

She looks around and realizes no one is watching and walks down the path.

As Edward lools around to make sure no one's around , he dashes inside his cabin , and shuts all the curtains except for the door's before he walks over to his bed , takes out his trunk , opens it , and takes out a playtus barbie looking doll

Edward smiles*

Edward- Hi , Veronica. ( As Veronica ) Hi , Edward ! ( Normal ) I played catch the flag today~ ( As Veronica ) Did you win ? ( Normal ) Of course . as always. Would you like to take a nap ? ( As Veronica ) No , Edward. I've been napping all day. I want to play with you ! ( Normal ) Nice !

Skip and Chip came in*

Edward gasps and turns around , hiding Veronica behind his back.

Chip: Is that a doll?

Edward- What doll ?!

Edward backs away to the window.

Skip: The doll behind your back.

Edward- That's not a doll ! Your eyes must be playing tricks on you !

Edward uses his tail to cut through the window screen and tosses Veronica outside , causing her to roll downhill.

Chip: Okay, if you say so Edward. *as the two left*

Edward sighs in relief.

Edward- Man , that was a close call , Veronica.

Edward looks out the window amd shrieks in horror as his eyes bug and sees Veronica is missing.


The fellow Bean Scouts , counselors , the new boys , and Lazlo's gang hear Edward's shriek of agony.


Meanwhile , Vanessa smiles as she walks by herself until she hears Edward scream.

Vanessa: Oh, what was that?

She then looks and sees Veronica rolled down the hill and stops at her feet.

Vanessa: Oh. *picks it up* Hello, where'd you come from? I wonder who's this belongs to?

Edward rushes out of his cabin and runs into the forest on a frantic search of his beloved doll.

Edward- Veronica ?! Veronica , where are you ?!

Edward looks around, until he heard leaves rustling*

Edward- Huh ?

Edward scurries over to the tree, peeks over it and gasps. He sees Vanessa smiling peacefully under the green summer tree.

Edward-(Quietly) Wow....

Edward watches as she giggles softly while looking at a daisy. Taking in her beauty, Edward blushes a little as his tail slowly wags. He almost trips but he picks himself up and keeps watching her

Vanessa holds the Veronica doll*

Edward promptly snaps out of it as he gasps

Vanessa: Hmmm, I don't see anyone, who's doll is this?

Edward clears his throat and gets all angry again.

Edward- Hey, Squirrel Scout!

Vanessa looks: Oh!

Edward angrily snatches Veronica.

Edward- Give me that doll! It belongs to um..... A sister of mine !

Vanessa: Oh, sorry. *looks down* I was trying to help.

Edward looks at her, softening a little but kept his guard gaze.

Edward- You should. And what are you doing around here? This is Camp Kidney territory! Free of any Squirrel Scouts!

Vanessa: My brother is over there.

Edward- Oh, one of the new geeks at our camp? I'm guessing you're a new geek too.

Vanessa: I didn't mean to bother.

Edward- Whatever. Who are you anyway?

Vanessa: I'm Vanessa.

Edward- I'm Edward

Vanessa: That's a handsome name.

Edward blushes pink.

Edward- Yeah , sure , whatever.

Vanessa: Why are you blushing?

Edward- Nothing!!

Vanessa: Okay?

Edward- Anyways, be gone, Squirrel Scout. Leave my presence.

Vanessa looks at him confused as he crosses his arms and looks away but she didn't leave

Vanessa: Why are you acting kinda not nice?

Edward- I have my reasons

Vanessa smiles: But I think you cute when your angry.

Edward blushes red and tries to shake if off.

Edward- Okay, enough.

Vanessa kisses his cheek*

Edward turns dark red amd yells, comfused on what he is feeling

Vanessa: Well it was nice meeting you Edward, I hope I can see you again. *as she leaves*

Edward blushes red at Vanessa's cuteness and rushes back with Veronica but not without looking back at Vanessa.

Going to camp KidneyWhere stories live. Discover now