He Cheats w/ Your Bestfriend

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You and your "best friend" have been having trouble in your relationship lately. You guys have been arguing a lot and your last argument was a big one and that led to you guys not talking for two weeks. You decided to be the bigger person and reach out and invite her to dinner, just you and her. She gladly accepted.

You've been waiting for over an hour already and she still had not shown up so you left. She probably wanted to get you mad and not show up.... typical of her.

You drove home and went inside. James wasn't supposed to be home until later because he was at Beau's house filiming a dare sunday. To get your stress level down you were gonna take a bath and relax. All of a sudden you heard something fall in the kitchen. Nobody was here except you. So of course you got scared. You got up and grabbed a bat and slowly walked in the kitchen and as you got closer you heard moaning.

You couldn't believe what you seen. (Y/bf/n) and James half naked on the kitchen floor. Anger filled you and you ran towards her with the bat.

"Fuck you guys!" You ran and James tried to grab you while (Y/bc/n) ran putting her clothes on. "James don't touch me unless you want to get hit with this fucking bat!" You threatened while still trying to get to (Y/bf/n).

"Please (Y/n) don't hit me" she pleaded. You didn't care so you hit her in the leg with the bat. She screamed in pain and fell to the floor and James grabbed you.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)" James tried to comfort you. Instead you just got up and spit on him while walking to your room to pack your clothes.


Okay I have to do one more but I figured I'd update for once! Let me know what u think about this one 😘


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