She's so freaking perfect

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Have you ever been inlove?

Because I am, all I can think about is Lindsay... My perfect angel Lindsay Fairplay. I've known her since I was 3 and in some way I thought that she was perfect for me, and she is. I don't know what it is about her, maybe it's her brown hair that falls just below her shoulders although she always has it in a high pony-tail. Or maybe her dark brown eyes. Or her cute baby face. 

"Can I borrow a pen?" I ask her as she turns around from her seat infront of me, "I forgot my pencil case at home."

"You really should get your own pens soon. You can keep this till the end of the semester." Lindsay says as she places a silver ink pen in my hand, her finger slightly touching mine. "Will. Are you okay? You're staring and... not blinking." I snap out of my fit and watch her smile before turning back to the board. I love English class, it's the only class where I'm so close to Lindsay. Before I could ask her for the date, my usual routine, another part of my daily routine walked in... Liz Taylor. 

"Miss Taylor, you are late again. " The English teacher says, the tardy girl leans against the door frame and smirked.

"Pointing out the obvious are we?" Liz said in her english accent, "But, I came before the bell atleast." As she said those words the school bell sounded signalling the end of the school day.

Lindsay turned around to me as I got up to leave the door, she smiled shyly and opened her mouth to speak... Lindsay was going to speak to me.... ME! Will Manquer, actually be spoken to by Lindsay Fairplay. I tried to look calm but the head of the chess team and the mathletes was talking to me, I know she's not your usual beauty, she spends her time reading algebraic fomulae and I know for a fact she has posters of Isaac Newton and William Shakespear in her room. Lindsay isn't a nerd.... She's "geek chic", originating from Harvard alumni Lindsay has been constantly sent to the best schools including most of her education in Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Monaco. She's only in this school because it's tradition in her family to attend a "lower class school" in order to "understand the less fortunates"... But, I'm blessed to have an angel like that in my life... She's not nerd, nerds don't perform ballet at recitals and make grown men cry, nerds don't turn down raves that they have been invited to, nerds don't come close to the perfect, beautiful, delicate and ravashing: Lindsay Andrea Victoria Fairplay. 

Lindsay kept looking at me as though she expected something, "I need some advice." She states, not bursting into laughter, not attacking my face with kisses (as I wanted). "Dating advice." Obviously, she didn't know that I had never had a girlfriend before. 

"What do you need help with?" I say, I'm towering over her but still admiring her every move. 

"Come walk with me, I'll tell you on the way back home." She says, Lindsay and I live next to each other. No, her family do own countless vacation houses and a mansion in the posh end of town, they also have a reasonable house in the suburbs for them to "stay grounded". A simply two story house with appoximately 4 bedrooms, even though Lindsay is an only child. As for the locker situation, I had mine moved next to her's in freshman year... Nothing beats being next to Lindsay Fairplay during the day even if makes you a total creep. "Do you wanna walk? Or stare at me?"

"Yeah! Walk... We should walk." I say, smiling from ear to ear as we leave the class side by side, out of the classroom and to our lockers, 18 and 19. A few people stare at us in confusion, don't get me wrong Lindsay is madly popular... Boys here love her innocence and the fact that she's rich, all the boys want to get close to her and here I was the inbetweener (inbetween popularity and insignificance) walking down the hall with the 5"6 dream. "So what do you need help with?"

Entering her code Lindsay opened her blue locker to reveal, family photos and Harvard logos. "Well, I've been in a relationship for less than a week," Her words hurt, but she can't see my facial expression as she's too busy placing books into her red and black handbag filled of notes. "But, I can't tell whether I should... Break up with my other or... see how it goes." I perk up. If she's feeling shaky about her boyfriend's stability with her, I can swoop in as Mr. Nice Guy and turn on the charm. 

"Well, I think you should-" Before I could carry on my answer, the captain of the basketball team slams he into my locker, I rub my shoulder in pain.

"HEY!" The tall athelete stops, "Leave him alone." Lindsay says, carrying on with her preparations after shutting up the basketballer. "As you were saying." She says.

"Ummm... Yeah," I stop briefly to pull my spongebob backpack over my shoulders, "I think you should ride it out." I finish my sentence and close my locker walking towards the exit of the school building.


By the time we were on our block, the "cool kids" had already driven passed us in their cars waving at Lindsay and ignoring me. In the process of walking home with Lindsay I had noticed a few things about her appearance, she was wearing a floral dress that finished at her mid thigh, her shoes were ballet flats, she was wearing makeup. That's all I thought about, Lindsay. Everything about her, this was our first proper conversation and I was actually talking to her... Eloquently!

"So is this your house?" Lindsay says, stopping right at my door, Number 87, she smiled up at me and leaned in. Was she trying to kiss me? "Have you never done this before" No. I hadn't kissed a girl. "It's three okay, on alternating cheeks." I'm confused, don't you kiss on the lips not the cheeks? Is that what people do in movies, kiss on their cheeks? "Like this," Lindsay tip toes and kisses my right cheek, then left, the right again. I sigh. I should have known. "That's how you say goodbye in Switzerland." 

"Oh! Thanks, for the... lesson." I say, feeling stupid for calling it a lesson, it's more like a friendzoning. Speaking of friends... I should probably tell them why I wasn't going home with them. "Bye Lindsay." I say, half heartedly.

"Bye, Wallace." She says smiling, leaving for her house, before she could hear me correct her.


I spent the afternoon, doing homework and apologising to Lydia and Taylor. Their my best friends, Lydia's Taylor's cousin, they live on the other side of town and do everything with me, sometimes Lydia's boyfriend Ashton hangsout with us aswell ,but he's popular so I don't see why he would. I didn't mind doing my homework in my room, until I heard a car. Not just any car, a porche... Typical douchebag car. I smiled to myself, this must be Lindsay's boyfriend. It's dark but I can see a figure get out of the car and knock on the door, my eyes jump to Lindsay's room opposite me. She gets up from her table and walks over to the mirror, pulling her hair out of the signature high ponytail, my stomach sinks. I wish, I was the one making her so anxious, but it was her boyfriend

Seconds later, Lindsay disappears only to appear in a few minutes, this time with the mystery person from downstairs. I breathe a sigh of relief, it's not Lindsay's boyfriend, it's Elizabeth Taylor from English class or simply, Liz. Elizabeth is another story, she's a freaking mess. Her parents are wealthy and she basically parties away their money, although, she's the talk of the town. Everybody loves Liz, everybody wants to be her friend but I had no idea Liz was friends with Lindsay. Liz's hair in red today, it changes practically everyday, it's curly and she's wearing a black jacket with leather tight jeans she's wearing red heeled boots, looking edgy as usual. 

"WILL! DINNER'S READY!" My mom yells, from the kitchen no doubt. 

"JUST A MINUTE MOM!" I yell back, eyes fixed on the scene in Lindsay's bedroom, I don't trust Liz right now and I don't know why. I watch as Lindsay walks over to Liz and as she hands her something, I assume it's work, Liz smiles and I think she says thank you. 

"WILL!" Liz turn around and unzips her jacket to reveal a red crop top, I shift in my seat... What's going on?, my mom is still yelling but I don't care. 

"WAIT! I'LL BE DONE IN A SEC!" I yell in reply again, fixed on the scene. Lindsay walks over to Liz again, she starts talking to her and I think she's asking her to leave. Lindsay is snubbing that piece of trash (Liz). 

"WILLIAM COME DONE THIS SECOND!" I turn my head a quarter of a centimetre when sudden movement in the bedroom catches me eye, before I can fully register what was going on I see Liz and Lindsay, their lips connected and eyes closed. I freeze. My dreams shattered. 

Lindsay doesn't have a boyfriend... She has a girlfriend...

Liz Taylor is Lindsay Fairplay's girlfriend.

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