He's so freaking annoying

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Why do I even bother? 

This is the last period of the school day before the weekend, and the best party of the year. Courtney Fairplay's Homecoming. I know, she graduated 3 years ago but she's legend. Every single year she comes back home for a weekend and throws the best party for herself. I never said she was humble, but I've been invited every year. This year is no exception. But instead of ditching to get my outfit ready, I'm staying in class taking notes on the contrasting views between Romeo and Juliet verses Anthony and Cleopatra. 

I have to admit, taking drama was a huge risk for me. Seeing as I haven't been on a stage since I was 6, but this class has become the best class of all time. No, I am still not doing a musical or any of the plays, instead I do set design and lighting. I know it sounds, boring and sad that I'm on the sidelines. But, actors are only saying the lines, I'm making the mis en scene (any given scene).  Just when I finish my annotation of Anthony and Cleopatra, I wince as the school bell rings. Gathering my neon blue backpack, and stuffing my notebook into it along with my pencil case, I mentally prepare myself for the night. I'd probably be home for around 6 in the morning if I'm lucky. 


I snap my head in the direction of my name as exit the drama lab, it comes from down the corridor near the english classrooms. Thinking it's all in my head, I turn back when I hear a hurdling body of students come towards me. My friends... The popular people. I sigh slightly before putting on my friendly act. 

"Lizzie, you'll never guess what!" The most popular girl in South Longgate High School says while she bats her eye lashes at every guy who passes her, "Guess!"

I comply as usual, "You got someone's phone number?" This was how our conversations usually go, boys boys boys. And if I was lucky, boys and parties. But usually it was just superficial talking about absolutely nothing.

"How did you guess!" She says, sincerely. I roll my eyes, and prepare to walk out of the school building when I see Lindsay rushing over to our pack of beautiful specimen. 

Whenever I think of Lindsay, I feel like giving her a hug and wrapping her in a towel. I can't even begin to talk about how broken she was... Is. The thing that not a lot of people see about her behind her doe eyes and innocent smile, is a dark and twisted and just broken person. Maybe I'm biased because I was there when she- "Hi, Lindsay." I say, not allowing my thoughts to go back to that time.

"Hi Liz." She says in her familiar light hearted tone. As if she didn't kiss me last night, maybe to her we hadn't.


My house is empty. As usual. I could almost hear my converse as they hit the floor, almost. The staircase stood awaiting me as I closed the double front doors. I had memorised every step of this penthouse, I've even walked into my room with my eyes closed. Today however, I had a mission. The perfect outfit for Courtney's party. 

After arriving in my room, I walked over to my closet which towered over the other objects in my room reaching the ceiling and stretching from one side of a wall to the other. Reaching past the several outfits, I pulled out my Union Jack shirt and ripped jeans. Trying it on and immediately tearing it off. Continuing this ritual for a few hours, until the lighting in my room had changed from a natural sunny glow to the artificial lights on the ceiling. Scanning the clock on my bedside table, I hurried. Pulling my hair into a ponytail and buckling the belt that stood on my waist, that was ofcourse there to compliment the simple dark purple short dress. I was late.


With my car parked, I yanked the keys out and pushed open the car door, checking myself out in the wing mirror the process. However I stopped as I felt eyes on me, I turned around to check if anyone was around. Seeing a familiar boy at school with brown hair and matching eyes. "I know I look good, but do you have to stare?"

The boy scoffed, going back to his chores I assume. I watched him as he brought the black plastic bag over his shoulder and opened the rubbish bin preparing to drop. "Actually," He muttered, "I was wondering if you could fit into one of these. And go back to where you belong."

I freeze, my mouth agape. I simply want to scream but instead I remain composed and collected, turning on my heel and walking towards the Fairplay house. Hearing the party roar from the other side of the door, I still hesitate. 

"What's the matter Liz? Not used to feeling out of place-"

"Would you shut up? Just shut up." I snap at the stranger, "How do you know my name?"

"We go to school together."

"No we don't."

"Yes we do."

"I doubt it." I say, effectively ending the back and forth we would've began. I wasn't nervous to go into the party, I was just preparing myself for the mess of a party that I was about to become a part of. I would go in, had it not been for his eyes that were watching me. It wasn't like he was tracking every muscle in my body, instead he was squirming at the sight of me. As if every breath, I took was a disappointment, and that I would be better off dying. Maybe I'm overthinking it. But maybe I'm not. 

"Do you make a habit of just watching a party from the outside?"


"Then go inside."


"Why not?"

"No!" I snap for the second time, "No, we are not having this conversation where you ask me questions. You are going to be in silence. And I am going to be here getting ready for the party. Which you dustbin boy, were not invited to."

"Why aren't you going inside, though?"

"WHY ARE YOU SO GODDAMN ANNOYING!" I screech, swinging the door of the Fairplay house wide open and storming inside not bothering to give the stranger another look. Allowing the usual smell of sweat and alcohol fill my nostrils and before long the whole night would become a blur.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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