Chapter 3 preperations

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Everything is platonic as usual also would anyone prefer longer chapters but less often or shorter chapters but more often?
-weapons/illegal items
-comment anything else you think should be added :)

The walk to Tommy's house wasn't too long we were there in less then 15 minutes, when we arrived tubbo took out his keys for Tommy's house (we all have spare keys for each other's houses) and unlocked the door. Tommy burst through the door home "big man innit is home!" He announced gaining small laughs from Ranboo, Tubbo and I. First come over was Phil "hey there kids nice to see you anyone want anything to eat or are you heading straight to tom's room?" He asked his tone just as bubbly as usually "could we maybe have some crisps fo share?" Ranboo asked, polite as always when around adults "sure thing mate!" Phil replied and went of to the kitchen to grab some. (Btw this story is set in the uk) "cmon let's head up to my room!" Tommy cheered and we all followed him through the house and up the creaking stairs. "Ughhh it's the gremlin and his friends, why is it always here you have to come?" He said in a joking tone "we barely even come here Wilbur!" I joked back and everyone laughed including Wilbur. "Ugh fine just go to your room with your friends gremlin child." Wilbur said with a grin causing Tommy to mutter a few curses at him.

Once we got to Tommy's room we all jumped onto his bed together and just sat cuddling (PLATONIC DO NOT SHIP THEM THEYRE MINORS). We were happy, we never really had a life before the mafia happened so this is the closest we ever got to being normal, so i always treasured times like this. "Alright let's get started!" Tubbo stated clearly ready to get going, we all looked around waiting for someone to start thinking out loud. Although with us you never need to wait long for conversations to start. "I managed to get the blueprints of the building from the library during my free period so that'll help a lot with planning." Tommy pulled out a giant piece of paper with not only the building we were breaking into but the ones around it "well dons Theseus!" We all said in sync. "Ok so we obviously need Ender up here to hack the security cameras so we can actually get in," I started and they all nodded their heads in agreement "Bumble bring some of your hand grenades incase we need to make a quick escape!" Tubbo nodded a smile beginning to form on his face. "Me, Bumble and Theseus will go inside and clear out any guards, then Theseus will get the info onto the usb stick while I stand guard." Everyone smiled at our plan which we managed to come up with surprisingly quickly, so we were all quite proud of our selves.

That pride was quickly washed away by fear as we heard steps towards the door. We forgot Phil was bringing up snacks. All our faces paled and we ran around like crazy people trying to get the blueprints and all the weapons we had out hidden. If Phil found out what we were doing... nothing good could come from if. As Phil knocked on the door Tubbo was trying to shove all the guns into a bag but ended up falling over, Phil walked into the room to see Tubbo lying on top of a duffle bag just barely hiding everything. We all exchanged worries glanced but I calmed down when I saw the confusion on Phil's face replaced with a bright smile "my goodness you kids are clumsy!" He said with a laugh "you alright mate?" He bent down to Tubbo with a laugh "y-yeah!" Tubbo stammered out, I'm not sure if he was stuttering because of laughter or nerves either way Tommy's dad didn't seem to notice. He handed Ranboo the bowl of snacks and left we a sigh. The second he left the room we all let out a breath of relief and began to laugh. "Well that was close!" I giggled as Tubbo scrambled up and closed the bag.

"Hey do you think we should just ask if we can stay at your tonight Tommy so we don't have to worry about meeting up after we've snuck out?" I questioned, we've done it a few time before and it's always helped a-lot but we can't do jt often as missions are usually at awkward time and we were allowed sleepovers during the week, but with enough convincing we always got out way "I'm sure my dad would be fine with it as long as your parents said it was ok!" Tommy said with a smile, even if we were only staying over for a mission we always loved sleep overs! "Ok then it's settled we have a sleepover tonight!" I said my voice filled with joy we all pulled out of phones and texted our parents! "I can stay!" Tubbo shouted, we all laughed at the excitement in his voice "me too!" Ranboo shouted everyone looked to me, "I can stay!!! YES!"
We all jumped up and into a group hug, it was the first sleepover we'd had in months and although we'd spend a lot of time in mafia mode it would still be a great time.

Word count: 913 words
Hello! Chapter 3! Ik the build up to the mission has taken awhile but the mission isn't even the story climax! Anyway have a great day and keep eating and drinking water <3

The minors of the mafia (is rly bad but gets good somewhere wafted chpt 15 new)Where stories live. Discover now