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After school I went straight to the girls lockeroom to get changed for the cheer leading tryouts. My stomach was all in knots, I always got nervous before big important events. After I got changed I went to the mirror to fix my hair. After I pulled it up I just looked at myself in the mirror, "You can do this." With that said, I made my way to the gym. I was doing great atvcalming myself, and then I noticed the boys basketball team in the gym as well. Did we have to tryout with them in here? This just brought the knots back into the pit of my stomach. I finally found Macey and ran over to her, "Yay, you came!" All I could do was chuckle at her excidness, "Yeah, just thought I'd give it a try." No pun intended. I had a weird feeling, like someone was watching me. So I slowly turned around finding the culperate. Derek Hale. Seriously! What is up with this guy! As quickly as I found him, he quickly turned away. "Alright girls, let's get started!" And so we started learning a routine. The coach waling down the line of girls to see how well they were doing and also to see who could keep up. I was doing good, but the only way I thought I could really prove myself was if I did something to make them remember me. We finally got a water break and Darren along with Ian came over from the basketball tryouts. "Iz, I'm not going to say your not doing great. But if your wanting this then your going to have to do something big." Darren always knew how to boost my confidence, if you can see my sarcassm. " He's right. Shom them what us Ericksons can do." Got to love twin moments. When our break was over I kept repeating what they told me in my head. "Ilizabeth, do you have something you want to show us?" Coach Reed said. I just nodded my head. Well the moment is now if I want to make it. I went to the floor and took one deep breath. I started sprinting forward do a cartwheel with one, two, three front hand springs with two free fronts flips in the air and finally making a perfect landing. I heard everyone clapping, even the basketball team. I look over to my brothers to see them grinning from ear to ear. Coach walked over to me smiling, " I don't know if all that made it obvious or not, but you surely have a spot on the team miss Erickson." Wow I guess all them years of training that dad has us do, does really pay off. I guess its official I'm making my mark on Beacon Hills. "Way to go new girl. Your definatly going to be the topic of everyone's conversation tomorrow", Derrek says with that sly smirk of his. "Its Ilizabeth and I highly doubt that." Is this his way to congratulate me? "Being that I am team captain again this year ,as of announced a few minuets ago, I am obligated to take you out and show you around." Oh really, is that going to get me? "And with us being her older brothers we are liable to make your life a living hell", Ian always seems to show up at the right time. "Your older brothers?", Derek had the look of worry plastered on his face. "Yeah, well one older brother. Ian is my twin. And your only older by a few months!" " Still makes me liable to kick some ass if needed." They've always loved playing the "I'm her brother and I'll kill you" card. "Um I think I should go. I'll see you tomorrow Ilizabeth." Aw he's nervous. Should I feel bad for him even though he's known to be cocky? "I wouldn't hold my breath lover boy." And with that Derek left very awkwardly. I turned to glare at Ian and Darren, only to get a ,"What?" , from them. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the car. Boys!

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