2. Meet Rudrayani

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Rudrayani's point of view

I don't want to wake up so early. But this Monday always comes so early. Dadisa as usual was sitting along my side trying to wake me up.

I have tried throwing all the tantrums in the world I think. But dadisa always manages to keep patience with me. When all my tantrums come to a end I throw the duvet over my head and try to hide from going to school. But there comes my babasa. He lifts me up and take me to get ready. And maasa and dadisa always laugh at my expense. It's our Every day ritual.

I don't like going to school u know. There is no one for me to call my friend. All the prince and princesses are so mean. On the dining table, all the way round I decided to start complaining about the school. Then I am sure, maasaheb of Devgiri riyasat, my dadisa will surely take me out of this every day problem of school. Satisfied with my plan, I hurried and went running down the stairs to join my family at breakfast. There was my dadisa sitting on the chair, of family head. Her aura of 'maasaheb of Devgiri riyasat' is so strong. She is a great queen. And the best dadi. My babasa Is the king of the Devgiri riyasat. A intimidating personality of my babasa could scare any problem, that I am sure about. And my maasa is the most intelligent of all. Dadisa always says, "Komal you are such a queen who can help Ratan win a war which a sword can't win!" I am so so proud of my family. My dadisa and my parents may look so stoic and stone hearted. But for loved and dear ones they are the softest and sweetest.

But this time even after a long list of complaints against my school dadisa and maasa convinced me to go to school. And to lift my gloomy face babasa said, " ok ok... no one will be sad. Come Komal.. today we both will go together and drop our little bunny to school. What say my princess bunny?" I looked towards excited looking faces of my maasa and babasa. And finally I gave in. For now I can ignore my defeat and go to school with my parents. Dadisa came to sent me off to school.

When we reached the school gate, some one called out my babasa by his name. I wondered who dared to call my babasa by his name. But when I saw my babasa seemed to be very pleased with this unexpected meet with his old best friend I relaxed. Being a royal it always makes me cautious about myself and protective about my family.

When my parents were busy talking, I saw a boy with babasa's friend. He was so calm and poised. He seems taller than me. His straight nose and his almond shaped green eyes were so unique. I have never seen anyone looking like him. Then he turned to see me. His silky hair was flowing in the waves with flowing air .

I don't know what exactly but I thought of making him my friend. I smiled at him. And extended my hand of friendship. He also accepted my hand shake. And smiling he answered, "hello princess, I am prince Ranvijay Pratap Singh Rathore. Nice to meet you". He is my first friend I can't forget anything about him. Therefore I was trying to memorize everything he said.

Mean while my attention went to a small cute girl playing. After he finished, I also introduced myself, " nice to meet you too prince. I am princess Rudrayani Ratan Raval Sisodia. And is she your sister?" That small girl behind was definitely younger than me and Ranvijay. She also had silky hair like Ranvijay. I always wanted a small sibling. Instinctively I went to her. And offered her also, my friendship. And she also accepted my friendship. Prince Ranvijay introduced me to his baby sister. Her name is Raksha. She sure will be my special friend for sure. We got along in no time.

We three were standing in front of school gate. And today I got my first friend in the form of Ranvijay and Raksha became my special friend. I got to know that Ranvijay is joining my class only. I am beyond happy that my friend is going to join me In the class also. I am so happy I didn't skip school today.

So the picture above, you can imagine her as Rudrayani. Please do let me know what you think of the story line. Command down below and let me know what you feel about their friendship.

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