More Than You Know

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"Honey, I'm home!" Maya sang happily as she stepped into her dorm room she shared with her best friend at NYU.

"Hey, Peaches!" Riley greeted her back with even more enthusiasm from across the room. The blonde walked over to her bed and put down her things next to the bedside table just like she always did after getting back from class. Riley had her hair up in a towel and was wearing a way too oversized sweater (she probably stole from Farkle) and black sweatpants.

"Going somewhere? You're so dressed up," Maya joked as she looked at her friend with an amused smile. Riley responded like she always did when Maya felt like being sarcastic; rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"No," the brunette answered sternly, though she didn't try to hide the amusement in her voice. "I'm getting ready for a party," she added and gestured to her side of the room where almost her entire closet replaced the decorations Riley had trimmed the room with as soon as they started college a few months prior.

"Yeah, you've lost the right to complain about my side of the room for the rest of your life," the blonde retorted with a grimace. "What even is this?" Maya asked as she picked up a random dress out of the pile. It was pink and way too sparkly for Maya's liking.

"It's a dress," Riley huffed and grabbed the dress out of her friend's hands, throwing it back onto her bed.

"Really? I didn't notice," the blonde grinned at yet another eye-roll from her friend. "So, what party are you crashing?" Maya asked, sounding bored and intrigued at the same time.

"First of all, I am not crashing it, I am invited. Secondly, it's nothing big," the brunette started to explain as she tried to sort through the mess she had made. "I was in the library today-"

"Shocking," the blonde chimed in because she really couldn't stop herself. After glaring at her friend, Riley continued as if nothing happened.

"And I saw Charlotte. She told me about this small get-together they're having and invited me," Riley stared at a dress in red and yellow as if she was trying to burn it with the intensity of her gaze. "She also said I can bring someone, so if you want to tag along, you're more than welcome."

Maya sat down on her bed and stared at the clock hanging above their door. It was six PM, the sun was still out, and it was the perfect summer weather.

"You know what? Why not," she shrugged and started to walk over to her closet, quickly looking over her dresses.

"Great, can you help me?" Riley used her puppy eyes and even pouted. With a deep sigh, Maya nodded and winced at the high-pitched squeak her friend let out.

"You know, I'll always help you. No need to use your puppy eyes on me," the blonde reminded her and turned back to her clothes, pulling a few pieces out of her closet and taking them with her towards her bed. "Alright, first we're gonna find something for you, then for me," she decided and smiled as she saw Riley nodding in agreement.

• • • • •

"This looks great, Maya!" the brunette squealed an hour later as she examined her reflection in the mirror.

Both girls decided on a short, dark purple dress for Riley. It wasn't too tight since Riley always protested about how she couldn't dance in them; it sparkled but not as much as the one Maya had in her hands earlier; it ended above her knees and had short sleeves, just like she loved her dresses to be. When she turned around, the bottom would twirl with her and that small feature never failed to make Riley Matthews happy.

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