The final part..the end

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(Warning-like I said I have nothing against todoroki soo don't comment hate)Todoroki got suspended for trying to sexual harass me me and Deku then went to his dorm and then he gave me his biggest sweater and then we cuddled and watched a movie he then made popcorn-sense I'm lazy let's skip to when they graduated then deku asked Bakugou to marry him-Bakugou was wearing a dark orange dress and then he had a blind Fold and Deku told him to take it off and when he did he saw deku on his nees with a ring he the. Said-Katsuki Bakugou will you marry me?..Bakugou then said YES YES YES I will!!!Then they got married and then they moved to a house in a new neighborhood and they then had kids (yes man can have babys)they had two twins and one was a girl and the other was a boy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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