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No ones P.O.V

The crowd cheered and clapped loudly as The Avengers basked in the adoration of the people of New York.Well all but one-the God Of Mischief Loki Figgason-stood by an alleyway,feeling angry and sad.Loki was angry that everyone is ignoring him and his part in the recent mission,even Thor was leaving him out.Normally Loki didn't care but he wanted to prove to New York and the world thst he wasn't the monster people thought him to be.

Loki was saddened to be left out of the celebration's of "Earth's mightiest heroes" once again.What did a god have to do for someone to except him for who he is and not what he was.Loki scowled as news teams took multiple pictures of the team
"They left you out again,didn't they?" A voice says from behind him,Loki turned to the alleyway and saw a woman,in a black and purple checked shirt,blue jeans and trianers.

"Meagre little celebration's,mean nothing to me" Loki says to the woman
"Really?You don't care?" The woman says"Then why the long face?"Loki groans, knowing the woman was right
"Yes they left me out again, and it does hurt that after everything I have done to prove myself,they still exclude me" Loki tells her.The woman walks to stand beside the God.Loki could now see her in the daylight.

She had to be about 5'10 in height, slim in build with shoulder length light brown hair and when she looked up to him he saw she has light green eyes
"You know Loki,if you want a change from this.I can offer a solution" The woman says
"What kind of solution?" Loki asks curious
"I my self am part of a team of heroes,back in England" the woman says.

"You are?"
"Yep,I am Captain Britain and no I'm not like Captain America over there" the woman says
"Tell me about this team?" Loki asks
"It is a team of heroes as I said,me,Nightcrawler and Spiderman are heroes" the woman tells the god.

"You have a one of them Spider people as well?" Loki asks
"Oh yeah,but again different ish.Our Spider Man helps from time to time"the woman says," Then there is Red Skull,Dr Doom and Victor Creed I'm sure you have heard of them"
"I have heard bits of information on them" Loki admits
"Well like you,they where villains but now they fight for the good guys,and the people in England love them" The woman adds.

"Do you have a S.H.I.E.L.D to answer to?" Loki asks
"Nope,we work for ourselves.All our choices are our own and it is funded by Dr Doom" The woman says.Loki thought about this new information
"How come the Avengers don't know of you?" Loki asks
"We are a new team that is why,so word has yet to spread"

"Anywho think about it,and if you want come to England and you can help us out.You don't have to stay,just give it a try" the woman says
"I shall think about it,Lady..." Loki trails off
"Oh yeah,names Jacklin Braddock,but everyone calls me Jaxs"
"Where in England can I find you,when I have made a decision?" Loki asks
"Just head to Doom Enterprises headquarters and ask for me" Jaxs says.

"Well I shall think on your offer Lady Jacklin, and make a choice soon" Loki says
"Take your time,but as I said before it doesn't have to be permanent" Jaxs reminds Loki.And with that she took flight before the Avengers saw her
"Here you are brother,their is to be a party back at the Man Of Iron's to celebrate" The booming voice of Thor said.Loki looked back up to the sky,before following after Thor,deep in thought.

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