1. Somehow

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The familiar and distant voice of the trolley lady, asking her usual question, occupied the minds of Ron and Harry, while Ginny and Hermione were instead busy with discussing the possibilities of the year.

"Who do you think will be the quidditch team captain for Slytherin?" Ginny pondered. "We all know that Harry will be the Captain for our team."

"I'm not sure if there'll even be a Slytherin team this year.. I heard not a lot of them are coming back, considering most of them were Death Eaters. A lot were sent to Azkaban, or given some sort of punishment, and those who weren't probably couldn't face the guilt of coming back after what they did." said Hermione in a somber tone. No one liked talking about Death Eaters. No one liked thinking of the war and all the lives that were lost, and no one could even find it in their heart to forgive any of them. Well, all except Harry. Harry internally forgave all the Death Eaters, or at least the ones from Hogwarts. He didn't want to harbour any more hate than he already had. He figured there was already enough of it in the world.

The sound of the trolley lady right at their compartment door snapped the quartet out of their somber mood. "Anything from the trolley, dears?". Hermione and Ginny shook their heads no, but Harry and Ron stood up and asked for snacks. As Harry pulled out a few coins to give to the lady, the lady gave both of them a smile and pushed away Harry's hand. "It's on the house, dears. Don't worry about it." She handed Ron his two liquorice wands and Harry his chocolate frog. She walked further down the cart, repeating the same phrase. Harry and Ron both sat down, ready to eat their free snacks. This was the kind of treatment the Golden Trio was expected to receive for their efforts in battle. Everyone knew their names, everyone was extremely grateful to them and wished them no sort of harm, even giving them favours fairly often. Although they felt bad about exploiting the kindness of other people and often refused their offers, it was somewhat nice to receive free things every now and again.

"Well, moving on, who do you think will be the head girl and head boy?" Asked Hermione to the other three.

"Is that even a question, Mione?" Ron laughed. "You'll be the head girl, obviously, and Harry will almost definitely be head boy." He said as he playfully elbowed Harry. Harry laughed but countered his statement with "Maybe, if only the head boy and the head girl weren't allowed to be from the same house. And since Mione is better than me, out if the two of us, she has a better chance of becoming a head girl. Someone else will have to be head boy."

"You guys are talking as if I'm already definitely going to be head girl! Maybe I won't be, there are plenty of other capable girls." Hermione argued.

"Are you kidding? Who else could possibly be better than you for the job?" Ginny rhetorically asked. "The real question is who will be head boy."

"Well, we'll arrive in about 2 hours so, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We'll know when we know." Hermione concluded the conversation. The train barrelled on towards Hogwarts, with everyone eagerly awaiting to find out how the year was going to play out.

_ _ _

The train pulled in; everyone was eager to get off and stretch their legs. Hermione looked out the window into the darkness. She saw Hagrid standing at the exit, guiding the few first years there were to the boats. Then the second years. Then the third years, and so on so forth until it got to the seventh years. Hagrid looked at all the familiar faces and yelled "Well, you all know the drill! Wait here on the platform for about 5 minutes while I get everyone situated." Hagrid was busy and he couldn't say hello to the trio, but he waved at them.

They all made their way off the train and onto the platform. Harry and Ron stretched while Ginny and Hermione looked around at all the familiar faces. Suddenly, Ginny tapped Hermione's shoulder and pointed to something. Hermione looked in the direction and was surprised to see Parkinson, Zabini, and Malfoy; the Silver Trio. A perfect opposite to the Golden Trio.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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