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-chapter 29-

My birthday is here way too fast.

The weeks in between when I told Sirius and my birthday were a blur. Sirius, after my many pleas with him, was struggling to not tell anyone I was leaving. He was ready to burst.

"Hey," Lily sits down across from me at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. I haven't spoke to her since she suggested that Sirius was cheating on me, which he isn't. I feel kind of bad. I mean, we're great friends and I don't want to be the one to ruin it.

"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time. We laugh together.

"What are you sorry for?" I ask Lily.

"For saying that Sirius might be cheating on you," she says, looking down at her Potions book on the table in front of her. "I haven't seen Sirius so serious in a relationship. Before you came, he had a different girlfriend every week. It was nuts..." She trails off.

"It's okay." I say. "I'm sorry for not talking to you."

"I accept your apology."

"So I have your gift," Lily says after a few minutes of us sitting in comfortable silence.

"You weren't supposed to get me anything!"

"None of us were, but we did anyway." Alice, Marlene and Emmeline slide into the empty seats.

"Oh, you guys!" I side-hug Marlene, who happens to be sitting next to me. "You're the best!"

"Let's go up to our dorm to open them." Emmeline suggests, her voice like a whisper in the night. I've always liked Emmeline, since I first met her, I just don't understand why she's so quiet. She's smart, she just doesn't ever participate in class. She's also very pretty; any boy would be lucky to have her.


"Me first!" Marlene insists.

"Okay, okay," Lily says. "You can go first."

"Yay!" Marlene claps her hands together, then rushes over to her chest at the end of her bed. She opens it, pulling out a mint green (my favorite color!) bag. She walks back over to our little circle, placing the bag in my lap. "Happy Birthday," she says, then adds quietly, "Logan."

I smile at that name. She's the only girl that knows my real identity. She was the first to read the letter. I never made her promise not to tell anyone, but she hasn't told anyone so far, which is a good sign.

I reach into the bag, pulling out a new copy of The Outsiders. My copy was getting old and torn. I guess it is time for a new copy.

"Thank you! I was in need of a new copy!" I laugh as I hug Marlene.

I then open Alice's gift. She got me a vial of Liquid Luck... Weird, but cool. I hug her.

Emmeline's gift is by far the coolest. She got me a time turner! You know, the necklace you spin to go back in time.

Lily got me the most practical thing. Some small notebooks (a Muggle thing! Sweet!) and some new quills and ink. I thank her and everyone else once again. I put all my stuff away in my trunk... Except the time turner. That I put around my neck and under my shirt.


"You're gonna love our present!" James exclaims. He, Remus, Sirius and, surprisingly, Peter, combined their money to buy me one gift. Fortunately, Peter wasn't here. I don't really like Peter, although who does?

"Here!" James excitedly shoved a small box into my hands. I could tell it was the boys' (well at least James and Sirius) wrapping job. The wrapping paper was a brown paper bag. Classic.

I quickly rip off the paper, excited to see what's inside. Before I open the lid, I look up at Sirius. He's smiling at me; a genuine smile. The smile I love.

I smile back.

I open the lid of the box and gasp. Inside was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... Tickets to the Holyhead Harpies game (I've recently started to take a liking to Quidditch, especially the Holyhead Harpies) ... And not just any game, but the freakin Quidditch World Cup!

But my excitement quickly fades.

Because then I remember.

I remember the promise I made Dumbledore.

The reason I can't go to the game.

Its during the summer. I won't be able to go.


{A:N: I really hope you liked this chapter. Credits to mythoughtscantbefree for coming up with the gift idea from Lily.

So today is Logan's birthday! Not very exciting, but she got some pretty cool gifts, huh?

Also, MY BIRTHDAY IS TWO DAYS AWAY. AHHH. I'm so excited.}

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