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A/N: Hi cupcakes, this is chapter 1, please vote or comment :)

love you all x


Jade's POV.

''But mum! i wanted to stay at school so i could go to prom.'' i groan, why now? it's my last year at school and the most important day of a girls school life is coming up soon, don't get me wrong i'm glad my mum has found a job again but one that involves me travelling and getting privately educated? it sucks. When my mum lost her last job it involved us moving to where we are now and sticking around for the beginning of the year that i'm ending soon. It's the longest we've stuck around before and i made some great friends.

''Hunny im sorry, but im sure you'll change your mind when i tell you who we're travelling with.'' she grins, placing the dish cloth down and turning to face me.

I sigh, ''who mum?''

''One Direction!'' she cheers, she's obviously a secret fan girl.


''WHAT? SERIOUSLY MUM!? YOU'RE NOT JOKING ME AROUND ARE YOU?'' i shout, making her cover her pierced ears with her hands.

''Nope!'' she says popping the P. ''So.. how do you feel about this now?''

''Urgh i dont know... i mean its ONE DIRECTION but i reallyyyy want to go to prom and what about Zach? i dont want to leave him.'' I pout, sitting back down on the white bar stool after my little explosion of happiness. My relationship is... complicated, i love Zach a lot but he abuses me. I would never tell anyone about this because it would ruin everything, especially my mum she'd stop me seeing him completely and i couldn't handle that. I know lying to my mum about how i got cuts or bruises etc, but i have to, i need zach with me, he's not always like it anyway, he's sweet, caring, good looking.. it's just all that disappears when he gets angry, he cant help taking his anger out on me though, he just needs a few anger classes or something.

''I know baby,'' she soothes walking to me throwing her arm over my shoulder rubbing it reassuringly, ''but this is a huge break for me! I haven't had a good job like this for a year, it's great money and we get to travel places''

''but i cant leave zach mum! please.'' i beg, trying not to sound to selfish, although it's not working.

''how about i call erm... phil- pete-''

''Paul, mum.'' i inform, rubbing my temple slightly.

''right! Paul.. and ask him if he can ask management if Zach can come along with us?'' Zach is a year older than me, he's 17 so he can't miss any school and he doesn't work.

''Seriously? can you please?'' my mood automatically brightens.

''yeah! i'll go call now.'' She kisses my cheek, leaving a bit of red lipstick on it and exiting the kitchen. Pulling out my white Iphone i have a new message and 10 facebook notifications, ignoring them i open up my text.

From: Zach <3

Come round now baby? xx

Grabbing my shoes and jacket i leave my house and walk a few blocks down too his. Crunching my converse onto the stoney path i knock on his red door, waiting a few minutes until he answers smiling sweetly.

''hey cutie!'' He greets, smacking his lips onto mine, mixing the taste of tobacco and chewing gum with his tongue into my mouth.

''I missed you,'' he states, taking my hand and leading me upstairs to his oh so familiar bedroom.

''i missed you too,'' i reply, sitting on his double bed covered by navy blue and white stripy covers, looking around his room and focusing on the  plain white wall opposite which is covered with different posters of girl celebrites, making me feel very insecure, you would if you were staring at Cheryl Cole or Michelle Keegan right?

''I need to tell you something.'' I speak up.

''Can't it wait?'' He groans, kissing my neck nipping at it leaving a mark to show that i'm his.

''Well it could i suppose but it could be exciting for you.''

''Just wait until after.'' He whispers against my ears unbuttoning my high waisted jeans. Really? Sex? I'm not in the mood at all...

''Can't i just tell you now? i cant hold it in.'' i ask, in hope to stop him from trying to have sex.

''Just wait.'' He exclaims raising his voice a little more in frustration.


''NO NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND WAIT!'' he slaps my cheek, pushing me down to the bed and carrying on with where he left off.

Save you tonight. (Harry Styles Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora