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Once I got home from Luke's apartment I saw Ashton in the driveway. I walked up to the window of his car and saw him asleep on the steer-wheel.

I knocked on the window and he sprung up and hit his head on the seat. He turned to me and I lightly waved. Then he turned to open the door to get out.

"What are you doing here?" I said lightly once he got out

"Well if you can't tell I was waiting for you to get home." he said and we started to walk towards the house.

I unlocked the door and threw my keys on the counter. Ashton walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"What do you need, you never come over unless I ask?" I said.

He stayed quiet for a second. I was taking off my beanie when he said "I need you to come back to the lab."

"What?!" I exclaimed, infuriated.

"You said you'd keep me safe Ashton, that is not 'safe'." I said as he got up and grabbed my shoulders.

"It's only for a few days we need to test you to see if we are able to add on more features to your being" he said lightly as if it wasn't that bad.

"I can't believe you" I said as I jerked out of his grasp. I stormed up to my room.

I slammed my door shut in anger. I threw myself on my bed and screamed. I pulled on my ears and held on to my antlers.

"Why do I have to be this way?!" I screamed.

There was a knock at my bedroom door and I didn't even care.

"Mikey, please open this door..." Ashton's voice rang in my ears.

I didn't even say anything I just kept pulling on my antlers as if they would just come off like a limb on a dead tree.

Ashton kept on trying to open my door.

"Ashton will you just go away, find someone else to test on." I shouted.

"Ok, I'll just go find Luke" he said. He knew that would spark my interest and make my anger worse, and it did.

I jumped up from my bed and stormed over to my door a jerked it open.

"No, you will not!" I yelled as I pushed him against the wall.

He looked up at me and started to ramble. "awe, little deer boy is getting protective over his boyfriend"

He made a fake loving face.

"First, he's not my boyfriend and two, What is up with you, Ashton, your not acting like yourself, this isn't you." I said as I let go of his neck.

"Nothing's wrong with me deer boy" he said

"Please leave" I said, sadness almost clear in my voice.

I watched as he started to walk towards the door then he stopped and turned around "think about why don't you" he smirked and closed the door.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I started to cry, I've lost my only friend.


After a while I started to walk back to Luke's apartment in hopes of a little affection.

I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. I heard stumbling around the room and finally the door opened to a tired looking Luke with a beanie sloppily placed on his head and sunglasses placed over his eyes, even though it's like midnight.

"Relax, its just me" I said and he opened the door for me to come in.

He closed the door and threw his beanie and sunglasses on the counter. "what are you doing here, you shouldn't be walking this late at night. (( my best friend walks around town at night 。_。))

"Umm, well I kinda needed someone to talk to and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh, ok, why wouldn't I be ok?" His said as he gave me a gentle hug to the side.

"Well, that's why I wanted to come by, Ashton came by my house and he just wasn't himself... he said he needed to take me to the lab to be tested and that he would take you too." I started to sniffle and tears fell from my eyes.

"It's ok please don't cry" he said and hugged me his hand caressed my messy pale pink hair.

"Why don't we go cuddle in my bed?" he giggled.

"Ok" I smiled.

We started walking to his messy room.

"If you want you can borrow some sweats of mine" he said once we made it to his room.

I nodded and he handed me his sweat pants. I blushed and turned around to pull off my tight skinny jeans.

"You have such cute little freckles" he giggled and I turned to him and smiled, my cheeks red. ((not buttcheeks guys God you are so perverted))

I quickly pulled on the sweat pants and turned around to meet a blushing Luke.

We got it in the bed and he quickly brought me closer to his body. I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his long, fluffy tail around us and we slowly fell asleep.

((That was short and bad. They are still friends, just saying, two friends can cuddle without it being official bf&bf or gf&gf or ya no gf&bf cuz me and my best guy friend cuddle and we're not a couple. js js))

Deer boy ★muke hybrid A.U★Where stories live. Discover now