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Early March, 1708

It was gently raining outside. The rain poured down on your family's home, an odd comfort to you. It was already night, the moon barely peeking through the rain clouds. Your family's home was quiet, as usual. Your parents were asleep along with every mouse, except you.

No, you were more awake than ever. Today was like every day, other than it really wasn't, or it wouldn't be in an hour or so. You had found out something recently, something that would change your life forever.

You were pregnant.

You had now known for about three months. Almost a week after the drama at the Ospedale della pietà, you had been waking up sick, you were more tired than usual, and were overall just an emotional wreck.

At first, you didn't pay attention to it. You figured it was a response to losing Antonio, so you kept quiet, until it got worse.

One morning, your mother caught you throwing up and forced you to see a doctor. The doctor had confirmed your worst suspicions, you were about a month and a half pregnant.

At first, you said nothing to your parents, until it was starting to become noticeable, at least to your mother. One chilly night in February she confronted you and you admitted to her the truth; you were pregnant. You had begged her not to tell your father, but she wasn't able to keep quiet, as usual.

Your father had been furious. He was ashamed. His only daughter, and at that, his only child, was 24, unmarried, and pregnant. You still remembered his loud cursing in the night which had eventually awoken the neighbors. If it hadn't been for your mother, you surely would have been kicked out. But after a month of arguing and teary nights, he hesitantly accepted your condition and you were finally somewhat accepted by him, well, you used the word 'accepted' loosely.

Your mother had asked no question as to who the father was, but you bet she had a vague idea as to who it could be. Your father on many occasions had asked, but you ignored him, going back to your room and crying at the state of your life.

Now you were here. Early March with the rain pouring down, sitting quietly in your room with a candle flickering. You knew soon you'd be showing more than you already were and weren't going to be able to hide it. Your father had already been locking you inside, other than on Sundays for Mass, and in a while you wouldn't even be allowed to go to Church.

Not much of that mattered to you, anyway. You had few friends, and even at Mass you had found yourself daydreaming that Antonio was giving the service. But, there was one thing that you needed to do before you were rejected from Venetian Society. You had to tell Antonio.

You knew for the past month you'd have to tell him. It was his right to know. He could never be involved with the child, but you felt that it was right for him to know. A small part of you was glad that his bloodline was going on, in some odd way, even if it wasn't the most conventional. If he wasn't a priest, you'd surely be married by now and living with him, but then again, if he wasn't a priest you never would have even known him.


The knock on the door went along with the rain. It was past midnight and the moon couldn't be seen. There was no light on in the house, but you were praying that Antonio would be home and not in the deepest state of sleep.

You kept knocking, though there was no answer. You needed him to answer. In a week you wouldn't even be able to go to Mass and even after you gave birth, you doubted your father would let you go out. So now was the only chance you had to tell him.

But then, you saw a light flicker on and saw the doorknob turning. Your breath hitched at the squeaking sound and the door opened. There stood Antonio, his red curly hair strung out in all directions, and his blue eyes tired. He looked up at you, surprised. You said nothing. You didn't know what to say, or even where to begin. It had only been three months, but it felt like three years.

Finally, Antonio spoke up, "Oh Y/N, mio caro, come in. You'll catch a cold."

You walked in, Antonio closing your door behind you. The home was just how you remembered. There was dust everywhere, music papers scattered around, a few candles flickering, and the heavy breathing of Antonio lungs. You turned around, and were met with a tight pair of arms. You felt a little bit more safe with his arms around you.

"Y/N, I've missed you so much. I thought I'd never see you again. What's been going on? I've been so worried about you." He said, his hand caressing your cheek as he spoke.

You looked down at the floor, sighing at his words. You didn't know where to begin or even if you could begin.

"I think it would be best if we sat down." You said. Antonio gave you a look of concern but nevertheless sat down at the nearest table that was covered in ink and music sheets.

"Firstly, I'd like to say I'm sorry. What I did was irrational. I ran out on you and Father Giuvan. Secondly, I'd like to apologize for nearly ruining your career and life. I know words can't make it up, but I hope you can one day understand." You said, tears nearly breaking out of your eyes as you spoke.

"Oh caro, it's okay. It was a natural reaction and you didn't nearly ruin my life. I'm the one who did that. I've missed you. I thought something awful had happened. The girls, especially Bessima, miss you dearly." Antonio said.

"Antonio, I have to tell you something that you may not like." You said, his face turning serious and concerned.

"Tell me, I can take it, whatever it might be." He said, his hands clasping around yours.

"I, well, I'm going to have a baby, and it's your-s-s..." You said, barely above a whisper.

Antonio's jaw dropped. You looked down, too afraid to see the look in his eyes. You had messed up. This was all your fault. You could never live a normal life again. From the moment you made love with a priest, you knew everything would change. You had vivid flashbacks from the last time you'd made love to him. It struck you that was the day when he impregnated you. The last night you'd ever physically love him was the day when he gave you a part of him, his child.

"Y/N, I don't know what to say or where to begin."

"I'm four months along, if you're wondering. I can barely hide my bump anymore. Father says when I get too big I won't be allowed to go out, even for mass." You said, silent tears now free flowing from your eyes.

Antonio was about to speak, but you cut him off.

"I know you can't help me. This child will never know you, he or she will grow up under my care, probably in solitude under my parents roof, and I know you can't do anything about it, but it's your right to know." You said. It was getting harder to breathe and your face was red with tears.

Before you could speak again, Antonio picked you up and hugged you. Your tears streamed down your face as Antonio kissed and hugged you. It felt better to be in his arms, to know you were safe, and that you were loved.

"It's not your fault, y/n. I got you pregnant anyway. I promise you I'll help you when I can. One day, if I can, I'll fund the child's education if your father allows it. The child will never know me as their father, but I will help you." Antonio said. He put you down and put a hand around your stomach, feeling the bump of the child you had both created.

You kissed him out of nowhere and when you broke off, he said,

"One day I'll make everything right, I promise you and this child I will." 

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