Evermore / Catching My Death

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Peach & honey in the air / ice cream cones on the pavement, windows flung wide open, an orchard of apricots trees with wind chime breeze through the leaves & branches shimmering with heat haze / It was late July, school would start soon

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Peach & honey in the air / ice cream cones on the pavement, windows flung wide open, an orchard of apricots trees with wind chime breeze through the leaves & branches shimmering with heat haze / It was late July, school would start soon.



                              MAGNOLIA FLETCHER, had fallen victim to life. And hers would be over by the end of the summer, she had already decided this on the dewy morning of June 1st.

    Nothing had been the same since emerson Fletcher had died. Kicked the bucket. Perished. Flatlined. Whatever the fuck you say. Emmy and her dim witted boyfriend Rafe Cameron were hit by a drunk driver. A touron at that. She had just gotten an acceptance letter from NYU to study fashion and become all that she could. The two lovers going out to celebrate with a dinner date, celebrating her getting the fuck out of the OBX.

    Finally, finally hope that Maggie could one day leave this place too. She had hope she could leave her father's overbearing, parenting if you could even call it that. Though he was rarely at the Fletcher residence, usually at a political campaign or something of the sort, he still gave the sisters an overwhelming wave of anxiety every time he called. For he never checked in for the girls well being, just his own. Making sure they were staying out of trouble and not tainting the name he had made for himself. If he somehow had gotten word of his two beloved daughters causing trouble on the small island, let's just say they would have consequences.

But all of that hope vanished the moment emerson was pronounced brain dead. Instead it was replaced with crushing, overwhelming waves of grief. It was there for everyone the eldest Fletcher sister knew. Emerson was an artist, cashmere coats with tall glasses of champagne and designer sunglasses coating her tanned skin. She was charming, beautiful, and smart and now she would never reach her full potential. She was the first born, supposed to marry even more rich than she already was and somehow also carry on the Fletcher name with pride. Another responsibility that was now passed down to magnolia, the basket case herself.

    Maggie and her father were painfully the same as much as she hated to admit it. They both spoiled themselves rotten with gifts, velvet clothing, silk sheets, fancy decorations, the best home decor. The Fletchers were the epitome of old money and cash divine. Polished politician smiles and authorities help at their money sticky fingers. Help Maggie's father not only wanted but surely needed.

    Andrew Fletcher was definitely not in the lead for winning the best father of the year award. Instead of facing his demons head on, he decided turning his back to them was the way to go. Just a week after his eldest daughters death he threw everything out, all of her belongings gone, only to replace them with something more modern and not to mention expensive. He turned her bedroom into yet another guest bedroom. Ignoring it was the best way of coping for Andrew.

    But his youngest daughter couldn't find a way to cope, couldn't ignore it, couldn't distract herself, find a hobby, get a pet, nothing worked. So her final option was clear. That was until running into a blonde boy just before she arrived her final destination of death.

    Was JJ Maybank her saving grace, or was she his?

    When his group of misfit toys took her under their wing, she felt alive again. With their illegal antics they made her feel something, it might not have been much, but that adrenaline was what barely kept her alive. She now felt more than just the rush of power that came from buying something without looking at the price tag. The power of being rich. Having everything you could ask for right at your fingertips.

    Getting dragged even further into their mess of a treasure hunt during her summer break was definitely not on the bucket list. But she'd spiraled into an attention seeking game with her father, and this would get her more than enough attention from not just Andrew Fletcher but a specific towhead blonde aswell.



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Haley lu Richardson          Magnolia FletcherThe Grand Slam,       Libra

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Haley lu Richardson Magnolia Fletcher
The Grand Slam, Libra

&&&Victoria Pedretti - EMERSON FLETCHERMatt Dillon - ANDREW FLETCHERRudy pankow — JJ MAYBANK

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Victoria Pedretti - EMERSON FLETCHER
Rudy pankow — JJ MAYBANK

Everyone else as their respective characters.

this story will include
disturbing topics like gun
violence. suicidal thoughts.
death. adult language.
abuse.  underage drinking.
substance abuse.

Layout belongs to the lovely  slutsace

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