2. Meeting Him

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Three days have passed since I came. We visited all the near by places and I took lots and lots of pictures. When we got home my mom said that we would be visiting their friends house for a dinner.

I didn't really wanted go I would've been happy to take a nap or play with my phone but then again I wanted to see him as it's been years wanted to see is he still the same.

I wore a black top with black jeans. And it was time go. I took my somy earphones with me just in case.

We reached their house and Mrs. Tsukishima greeted us she looks the same like the way she was when I kid she still got that warm smile.

I don't wanna admit but my eyes were wondering for the certain someone why isn't he here? Should ask about him?

Just when I was about to ask about him and I heard an unfamiliar voice he came where we were all seating my eyes a wander to look for the figure whose voice was that. Welcome home Kei. Mrs. Tsukishima said.

He has grown so much he has gotten so tall and he still got those glasses.

[a/n I don't know how I stopped myself from not writing he soo tall and handsome as hell XD ]

He greeted my parents and our eyes met I wonder if he recognized me. He smiled and excused himself to change his clothes. Later on Mrs. Tsukishima made her signature dish which was my all time favorite.

When we were done with the dinner our parents told us that they wanted to have something important to discuss so they asked us to outside.

I followed kei we were walking in the street slowly and no one was ready to break the ice. If things were the way they were before I would have been the one to break the ice but I....

Finally it was kei who broke the ice and asked " So I heard you're shifting here which school are you gonna be going? " " I still haven't figured it out. What about you ?" I responded. "Karasuno " He said n took a pause and continued " why don't you join Karasuno too ?"

I didn't know what to respond to his questions it'd be a lie if that the thought of going to school with him didn't strike my mind. I'm scared what if I get close to him, as I am...
I responded with a " I'll think about it "

I noticed something he seems soo quite, he wasn't the way he is when we were kids. I could sense there was something different about him. But I have changed too so who am I to blame.

[A/N hey there 👋 can't belive you're here thank you please let me know if u like the story so far n let me know if I make mistakes n I'm open for criticism to make myself better. Have a good day love u xoxo ]

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