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Criteria Judging

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Criteria Judging

Title/Cover (10)

● Is the title unique?

● Is the cover neat and easy to read?

● Does the title correspond with the cover?


● Does it make you want to read more?

● Is it too short? Too lengthy?

● Is it eye catching?

Plot (25)

● Is the plot original?

● Is it appealing?

● Are there too many plot holes?

Characters (5)

● Are they interesting/unique?

● Do they show character development?

● Do they have Mary Sue tendencies?

Flow (10)

● Does everything blend into each other?

● Are there too many time skips?

● Does the flow stick or is there constant confusion?

Grammar/Punctuation (20)

● Do they use proper punctuation?

● Is their use of grammar and spelling correct?

Writing style (20)

● Are you able to read everything clearly?

● Can you understand it well?

● Do they tend to rush?

Personal thoughts

● What are your thoughts on their story?

● What can they improve on?

Questions here -->

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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