Chapter 3

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Im running through a firery wasteland. Crushed bones, lava, and dragons everywhere. Lucas is running beside me a look of worry in his eyes.

"Sam, we have to get out of here." He says.

"How?" I ask almost crying.

"I... I don't know. We can't give up."

"There is nowhere left to go, and we are running out of time. They are going to catch up and they are going to try to kill me. What are we going to do?"

"I... I could turn you."

Right as lucas said that, I woke up.

"What the...?" I whisper to myself. "Turn me? Da fuck?"

I hop out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I turn on the shower and prepare to hop in when i hear a knock on the door.

"Oh my fucking God. This had better be important." I say to myself.

I put on a robe and call out, "Who is it?!"

"Kirsty," the person on the other side of the door called out.

I sigh to myself then say, "The door is unlocked!"

She walkes in. She is wearing light jeans, cowgirl boots, a black underarmour hoodie, and has her hair up in a ponytail. "Hey! You up for doing something today? Oh and i almost forgot. Here, a house warmimg gift."

She hands me a little box wrapped with a tribal printed cloth. I open the package to find a macrame/chain bracelet with multiple pennants on it. It had a wolf, a pawprint, eagle, and a dream catcher.

"Oh my god, Kirsty. This is beautiful. Did you make it yourself?"

"Kinda. I had some help."

"This is awesome. Oh and yeah, I can do something today. What have you planned on doing?"

We were gonna go rock climbing at the place on 6th. Just down the street from Dunkin Donuts. You know where im talking?"

"Yeah, Lombard Climb right?"

"Yeah, there."

"What time do you expect me to be there?"

"About two hours. We can carpool if you need."

"Okay, yeah that's fine. I am going to need a while to get ready. Is that fine?"

"Yeah, totally. See you later."

"Oh and can the Cross's come with?"

"Already a step ahead of you. They said that they are going to follow us there."

"Okay. Bye."

I closed the door and hopped in the shower. I hurriedly cleaned up and jumped out, blow dryed my hair, straightened it, applied black eyeliner and mascara, dresses in tight, yet flexible skinny jeans, a corset, and zipped up a hoddie over it. My corset was a full black one with gold designs on it. It wasnt stiff either. I have about five corsets. I wear them because i have a little bit of pudge on my belly and i cant get rid of it. My hoodie was grey, has 12 in silver on the right side and said SENIOR in white with pink out lining across my chest. I was wearing a similar outfit the night before, except my corset was purple with gold and black designs on it.

I put on my leather combat boots, and walked out the door after grabbing my wallet and phone. I scrounge around looking for my wallet chain, taking an extra five minutes. Finally I walk next door after locking my appartment door and knock on Kirsty's door. She opens it and i walk inside. I see everyone is in the living room either on the furniture or floor, even the Cross'. I walk over to Lucas and sit down next to him. Today he is wearing a black V-neck t-shirt with dark jeans, black Vans, and a gery zip up hoodie.

"Hey, look. We match." I point out.

He looks at me and continues looking for what could be considered checking me out. "I don't think it is healthy to wear corsets all the time."

"Well it is kinda because it helps with your posture." I state.

"But doesn't it like reduce your lung capacity or something?"

"Not if you wear it loose."

"Why do you wear them all the time?"

"I... uh... it's because im not confident about myself." I said blushing. I pressed my face into my knees to hide my face.

He pulls me into a hug amd whispers into my ear, "It's okay. No one is perfect. I guarantee that you would be beautiful even without a corset pinching your waist."

I look up at his face and say, "Really?"

He looks down at me and smiles. "I promise."


*Squees at romance* OMG Lucas is making a move! That is sooo romantic. I even think its adorable, and im the author. So what so you think is going to happen? Comment, vote, follow.


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