is she safe...

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"so you excited?" averman asked as we walking into the arena. "oh yeah, cant control my excitement."  "we might have a chance." 

"averman, we have no chance if we cheat, its stupid." "ooo the be-ster, dissin the new coachhhh" he said pretending to hold a microphone.  I giggled while looking down to tie my laces, "shush up." 

Averman dragged me out of bed at 11:00 am, two hours before our game so we could practice and hang out. Which I didn't mind, he's one of my best friends and it gets me out of the house with my dad. Although i would've been just fine sleeping a little while. 

Guys pov:

Me and connie were walking to Charlies house, talking and laughing about every little thing. 

I looked down at connie's glove-less hand. Should i make my move? Yes, yes i should. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me and smiled.

"wheres bea?" she asked, "oh averman wanted to hang out with her i guess, so he took her to the rink." 

"thats good she got out of her house at least." I nodded my head agreeing with her. Not going to lie, i was worried for Bea, every second of every day, and i know connie and Charlie were too.  I hate that she has to live in fear at her own house. I mean, she's my best friend, like my sister of course i worry. But I know she's safe with Averman, he's a good guy, one of her best friends. 


We finally got to the diner, picking Charlie up along the way. We all three sat in a booth and ordered milk shakes. Connie got strawberry, which i still don't understand how she and Bea like those.

"Charlie!" me and connie yelled as he blew his straw wrapper at us. We heard the bell jingle, saying someone's here.

Charlie stopped smiling and glared at someone. I turned around to see Banks heading our way. What the hell? I looked at connie and she shrugged and smiled at him as he approached us. 

I looked up at him with disgust, "um can we help you?" 

"uh yeah, sorry. can i talk to you guys?" he said shoving his hands into his hawks coat. I looked across to see Charlie who shrugged his shoulders and replied with a quick, sure. "its um about Carlson..." My eyes shot up at him.

"what about her?" i asked sternly. "so uh, i know you guys are her best friends and all so i didn't know if you guys knew or something but um.." he said stuttering looking anywhere but at the three of us. 

"but what?" connie asked looking up at him. Leave it to connie to be nice to the enemy.I rolled my eyes, "spit it out, would ya?" i said kinda rude, which connie pinched me for, ow. Charlie snickered at me, trying to hide behind the menu.

"is she safe?" Banks asked kinda fast. We all glanced at each other before looking up at him. "what do you mean?" i asked. 

"i- uh the other day after the game. I went to see if she was okay and um she got into this truck with some man. and he uh kinda starting yelling at her and asked if anyone knew. and she said nobody did. so yeah," he said scratching the back of his neck. 

I looked down at my lap before glancing at connie and charlie. We all 3 knew what he was talking about. "yes, we know. why do you care?" Charlie said calmly. "thats her dad." connie said kinda quietly. I mentally face palmed at connie for telling him that. 

"does he um hurt her?" he said looking worried and fiddling with his thumbs. Charlies eyes shot up at me, practically begging for me to answer, "we cant tell you that, Banks." why was he asking so much?

"oh okay but is she uh safe?" he said looking at me with glazed eyes. I didn't know how to answer that. I mean no she's not. But i can't tell him her biggest secret. I shook my head and looked down at my lap, agrivated. 

"with us, she is." i said looking at him with a tight smile. He simply returned the smile, nodded his head, and walked out.

"what the hell was that, Guy?!" connie said loudly. "wish us she is." she mocked me. "shut up, what else was i supposed to say?! Why does he even care?" i said shaking my head. "I dont know man..." 

sorry this is kinda short, i just really wanted to get a sweet moment of Adam. Also kinda a filler chapter. 

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