Chapter 1

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"Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?" I roll over as another wave of nausea hits me.
"Bucket." I croak out. He hands me it and I lean over it incase I get sick. The nausea passes and I lay back down.
"Here." he drapes a cold cloth over my sweaty forehead and holds my hand as he sits on the bed.
"I don't feel too good."
"I know baby girl, I know." he runs a hand through my matted hair. I give him a smile.
"Being pregnant is hard."
"7 more months baby girl."
"Sorry." he smiles. We stay like that for a while until the door opens and Emma walks in.
"Hey Saraya, thought you might want some company."
"Thank you." I give her a weak smile.
"You don't look so healthy, are you eating and drinking enough?"
"As much as I should."
"Hey, looks like a party." I smile as Brie joins us.
"Best party ever." I joke. She laughs and crawls up on the bed, sitting beside Emma. "Where's Seth and Bryan?"
"Rehearsing for the show."
"Wish I could go." I pout.
"Don't worry, I'm not going either. I'd much rather stay here and comfort you. Besides, it's not like I have a match anyways."
"Unfortunately I have to go. AJ has a match against Summer and Nikki and I's attendance is mandatory."
"Bet you can't wait to have kids." she smiles.
"I'm not renewing my contract, this is my last year in the WWE."
"Well, I'm glad I got to work with you."
"You too, Saraya."

I open my eyes and weakly sit up. I move my legs over the bed and slowly stand. I make my way into the kitchen. Emma was standing by the stove.
She looks up and smiles, "how are you feeling?"
"I'm better, just hungry." Emma smiles and I look at myself in the mirror. I was beginning to show a little.
"That baby is gonna be so lucky."
"How? Not seeing their parents everyday, only a few days at a time? It's gonna be hard."
"You have Brie and I to support you, don't worry." I give Emma a hug and sit down as she places my food in front of me. I take a bite and smile as Emma turns on the TV.
"Holy shit." I gasp as we watch Randy basically dismantle Seth. "I hope Seth's gonna be fine."
"Me too." Emma whispers. I give her a hug. We continue in silence.

I look up as the door opens. Brie, Bryan, Seth and Randy walk in. Randy looks at me and smiles before taking off his shoes and making his way towards me. He gives me a kiss before sitting down and hooking his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey Seth, you ok?"
"Just a little injured."
"Come on man, I didn't hurt you that bad."
"No, just a second rope DDT and an RKO on top of the announcers, give or take a few chairshots and the steel steps." I look up at Randy.
"And you sold all of them very good."
"Yeah well, I was a little dazed but you're lucky." Randy chuckles beside me.
"Paige, want anything to drink?"
"I'm craving peanut butter." I giggle and Brie smiles. She opens the cupboard and begins making me a peanut butter sandwich. "You guys are the best."
"We know." Emma giggles.

"Hey babe, I have an interview for SmackDown and then I'll be right back."
"Ok, Emma and I are just gonna chill."
"Ok, have fun." I smile and plop down beside Emma on the couch. We wait until Randy leaves and then turn to each other.
"So what are we doing?"
"Mall, then to the beach. Bayley, Charlotte and Carmella are there. Sasha and Becky will be there soon and Devin just texted me, her, Dana, JoJo, and Alexa are just leaving their house."
"If only Audrey could come, and Sofia and Shaul. It'd be a reunion for sure."
"That's true, unfortunately they cut off ties with me." I shrug and get up. I get dressed into some skinny jeans, a tank top and my leather jacket. I slip on some doc Martens and grab my phone. I grab the keys and Emma and I drive to the beach. Devin and the girls had just arrived and we drive to the mall together.
We get out of the car and meet in the food court.
"Wow Paige, you're glowing."
"I'm also pregnant." Sasha's mouth opens and she smiles.
"You didn't know?"
"No one knows!"
"Let's keep it that way."
"Alright." she smiles and we join the rest of the group. I sit beside Emma on a bench while the others scatter.
"Sasha didn't know I was pregnant."
"I know, none of the girls do. Even Seth didn't know until I told him. Dana mentioned a certain glow and I told her you were just so happy. They're gonna be wondering why you won't be in action for another 6 month's."
"They'll find out eventually, either from Dean or Renee. Or Randy or me."
"That's true, I just don't want my friend getting any backlash." I smile and give Emma a hug.
"You're not, don't worry." my phone begins ringing.
"Hey Paige, it's Stephanie. Where are you?"
"No one told you?"
"I'm pregnant."
"Yeah, 3 months."
"Wow, congratulations."
"Thank you."
"Alright, when do you plan on announcing this?"
"Its actually an awkward situation. The baby's Dean's."
"That is awkward."
"And I was hoping I could be 'taken out' storyline wise."
"We can figure something out. Just, wear a long t-shirt and jeans and come as soon as you can."
"Thanks Stephanie." I hang up and look at Emma.
"They're gonna find a way to take me out storyline wise and I'm needed at the arena immediately."
"Alright, let's go. I'll text the girls on the way." we get up and head out.

We arrive at the arena and I head to Stephanie's office. I knock on the door before hearing Stephanie tell me to come in.
"Hi Paige, so we're gonna have you in a match tonight. We told the girls not to hit your stomach. We're gonna have Cameron make it look like she injured you and then you'll be out."
"How exactly is this going to happen?"
"She's going to do her Girl Bye move and make it look like you landed wrong. Just lay there motionless until you know your backstage."
"Alright, got it." she smiles and I get up to shake her hand. "Stephanie, can you make sure Randy doesn't know I'm here?"
"Thank you." I turn and exit the office. Emma was standing by the wall.
"We're gonna have me injured by Cameron botching her move."
"It's a fake botch."
"Better be."
"Don't tell Randy I'm here." Emma looks behind us.
"Then you might wanna duck now." I duck in behind the crates just as he walks by. We wait until he's out of sight before getting up and making it to the gorilla.
"Alright, I have to go out but I'll be back."
"Alright, go!" I catch up with AJ and we enter the ring.

I look behind me, Randy was nowhere in sight.
"Hey Emma!" I freeze before slowly turning around.
"Hey Randy, how's it going?"
"Where's Paige?"
"At home, she was really tired." I look behind him and notice Cameron do her signature. Paige lands awkwardly and just lays there.
"Emma?" I focus my attention to Randy.
"Let's go for a walk, I need to find Seth anyway." I take one last look at the monitor, they were strapping Paige to a stretcher.
"Is that Paige?" I look at Randy, he was looking at the monitor. The camera zooms on her face and I look at Randy again. He looks at me.
"Who's idea?"
"Stephanie's." Randy begins walking out. He walks beside her as they make it backstage.
"Paige?" one eye opens and she looks around. The medics unstrap her but check to see if she's ok. She gets up, brushes herself off and smiles.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine, why? Shit." Paige looks up at Randy. "Hey babe." she laughs nervously.
"Hey babe. What are you doing here?"
"Umm..." Paige looks at me. I give her a nervous look. Paige looks back at Randy; who had crossed his arms over his chest.
"I can explain."
"I'm listening."

Turn the Paige (Sequel to A New Paige)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora