Chapter 5

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"Shit!" I run to the bathroom, my head tilted up.
"Paige, are you ok?" Randy appears behind me as I pinch my nose closed while trying to find some toilet paper.
"Nose bleed." Randy hands me some tissue and I hold it to my nose, "can you turn the tap on?"
"Yeah." I wash my hands while he holds the tissue to my nose. I dry them and we walk downstairs.
"I'm gonna schedule an appointment for an ultrasound to check the baby's gender and I know you're going to hate this but Dean is the father and he deserves to be there."
"Alright, when do you wanna go?"
"I scheduled it for 4 today."
"Do you want me to text Dean?"
"I did that already."
"Oh, ok." I sit at the table as Randy places some eggs, toast and orange juice in front of me.
"This looks amazing."
"Thank you." I give him a smile and take a bite.
"Do you have a show tonight?"
"No, I have the day off. Tomorrow is Extreme Rules so we all got a day off."
"That's great." I take another bite, "have you talked to Emma lately?"
"Shes M.I.A. actually. Stephanie said Emma called and asked for a few days off."
"Does Seth know?"
"Yeah, he said Emma called and said she would be in Australia to visit her family."
"That's weird of Emma, to just go off like that." my jaw drops, "what if she's...." I stop.
"What?" Randy looks at me.
"Nothing, it's impossible." I get up and place my empty plate in the sink and stand on my tippy toes to give Randy a kiss. I pull back and smile. "I have to go change, I'll be back." I smile and walk into the bedroom to change.

Randy Orton:
Paige smiles back at me and walks into the bedroom, closing the door. I sigh, I knew she seeing Dean because I know she still loves him. And it doesn't help that I have a thing with one of the other Divas, and Seth loves Paige. I guess I always knew I could never truly have her. Dean has always been the one she turned to. They've known each other for years and I just met her when she debuted on the main roster.
"Randy, you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna go workout. I'll be back."
"Ok, I'm going out with Brie and Nikki for lunch in a bit."
"Alright." I smile and grab my jacket and gym bag before heading out. I wasn't going to the gym. in fact, I was going to visit Alexa.

I watch as Randy pulls out of the driveway and send Brie a text.
P: he just left
B: alright, be there in 10
I slip on some converse and a jacket with sunglasses. I grab the keys and my phone and walk out, locking the door. Brie's car pulls up and I slip in.
"Yes, let's go."

Brie and I arrive at her place. Nikki, John and Daniel walk out and I smile before getting out of the car.
"He's inside." I squeal and give Nikki a hug before walking inside. I walk into the living room and smile, Dean was sitting on the couch. He looks up at me and I walk towards him. He gets up, picking me up and giving me a kiss.
"Anti Diva."
"So, 4?"
"Yes, I don't have much time. Randy's at the gym and it's noon."
"Alright, let's eat and then you go back home and I'll wait for the text to meet you at the doctors." I nod and he puts me down on the ground. We meet Brie, Nikki and the boys by the door before heading out to a restaurant.

Brie drops me off at home, Randy hadn't come back yet. I check the time, it was 3 so I call him.
"Randy, where are you? It's 3, the appointment is at 4."
"I'm on my way."
"Alright, I'll text Dean to meet us there."
"Alright." he hangs up and I text Dean.
P: Hey, he's on his way home, then we'll be on our way
D: alright, I'm just getting into my car.
P: alright.
The door opens and I smile as Randy leads me to the car. He opens the door for me. I slip in and he closes the door before getting into the drivers seat and we drive to the doctors.

"I'm nervous." I smile as I lay on the bed. She applies a gel to my stomach and moves this wand over my stomach.
"Can you see that?" I look at the screen and smile. "There's it's head." I look over at Dean and smile. "Now let's see the gender." she moves the wand over my stomach and she smiles. "Congratulations Miss Bevis, it's a girl."

Randy Orton:
I watch the monitor and the baby. I look down at Paige, she smiles as she watches the monitor and then she looks at Dean, a smile on his face too.
"It's a girl." I watch as Paige's face lights up. I squeeze her hand, she looks at me, a huge smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm a mom to a girl." Paige's voice cracks. I sit down on the couch beside her and give her a hug. "I can't believe it, this is a dream."
"No, this is real."
"This is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Paige, can we talk?"
"Alright?" she turns to face me. I bite my lip as I look into her Brown eyes.
"I think it's time we called it quits."
"I know you still love Dean, and I've fallen for someone else. I've always known that I could never truly have you, and I've accepted that." Paige nods slowly.
"Alright, that's ok. Umm, that's fine."
"I'm sorry, Paige."
"No, you're right. I do still love Dean, that'll never stop. I want to thank you for being there for me when I wasn't strong enough to stand alone."
"I'll do anything for you, Paige." she smiles and gives me a hug. "If you want, we can watch a movie. As friends."
"As friends."

Turn the Paige (Sequel to A New Paige)Where stories live. Discover now