Chapter 1.

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Christabella's POV

After Nathan got famous, loads of people wanted to talk.

"HEY CHRISTABELLA! Hey wait up! I wanted to talk! Your brother is so amazing! How does it feel to be his sister Christabella?" lots of people come and ask me the same question, so I give the same anwser.

"Go Away." I always reply. I know, it sounds harsh. But its not! im ALWAYS asked stuff like that. Im Sick to death of it! Its boring and un-original! I wish they'd grow up. Anyways, back to now. ~

I knocked loudly on Tom's bedroom door. "TOM GET UP!" I yelled to him through the closed door. i heard something, so i opened the door and let myself in. "THOMAS ANTHONY PARKER GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED AND GO GET BREAKFAST! Idiot." I yelled, then sighed. He STILL hasn't budged. I walked over to the bed and pushed him off.

"OWWW!" he yelled. Nathan and Max came in.

"Why did Tom just say ow?"  Nathan asked.

"SHE PUSHED ME OUT OF BED" Tom said and both of the other boys burst out laughing.

"Atleast it got you up!" I sighed. He NEVER gets up. "You seriously need an alarm clock." I walked out of his room, pushing past Max and Nath'. Nathan followed me to the kitchen and i make some toast for myself. 

"You seriously got on Tom's bad side this morning.. You should've seen his face when you left..." Then he started laughing. "He looked pretty angry!" Nath' just couldn't stop laughing. I pounched his shoulder and he gave me those eyes.

"Owww" he said and he looked like he was about to cry. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Awwh Nath' Im sorry!" He put his arms around me and hugged me.

"Its OK Chrissy, Didn't actually hurt that much" I stopped hugging him and poked him.

"I wish you wouldn't pull tricks on me like that Nath'!" and we both started laughing at the fact I'd fallen for the trick.

"Is it me, Or is something burning?" Tom said as he came into the kitchen,

"OHH NO MY TOAST!! NOOOOOOO!" I popped the toast out of the toaster, and it was burnt, "My lovely toast! Nooooo" I pretened to mourn the toast just as Siva,Jay and Max came in and it made all 5 of the boys laugh.  "Hey! Don't Diss me! This toast was gonna be my breakfast!!" I walked over to the bin and dumped the toast in.

"Hey, if you haven't had your breakfast yet, then why did you wake ME up?" Tom asked, he didn't look too happy.

"On the off chance you'd want toast, I wanted to hog the toaster and annoy you EVEN more!" I ran back to the toaster and put more toast in. "My toast!" I started fiddleing with the lid on the butter tub. Then, right from my hand. Tom stole the butter. "TOM! I NEED THE BUTTER!" i popped my toast up so it wouldn't burn and chased him around for the butter, "GIMMIE!" I yelled at him.

"Nope!" he was taller than me, so he got the advantage of height, he held the butter tub up high and i started jumping to try and reach it. "NO FAIR! Are you trying to imply that Im short without verbally saying it?" Tom grinned at me.

"Maybe. Im not going to tell you." He still had that grin on his face. I jumped as high as i could and my finger brushed the tub. Tom just held it higher. 

"Not funny Tom! Gimmie!" I was still jumping then Nath' put his hand on my shoulder and moved me out the way. Nathan just reached up, and grabbed the butter tub. 

"Now THATS not fair. She was suposed to get it herself." Tom said.

"How could I when you were holding it out of my reach!" I took the butter off Nath' and walked back to the kitchen to finish my toast. I'd buttered the toast when Max came up behind me and stole one of the peices of toast. "I hope you dont mind!" he said, and bit into the toast. 

"Is EVERYONE but Nath' against me today?" I bit into the other peice of toast that no-one has stolen yet.

"Nope, Me and Siva aren't, Just Tom and Max.. But then Tom has a relevant reason..." Jay said and smiled.

"Im not against you, I just wanted to steal your toast." Max said and smiled at me. "Jay IS right though, Tom does have a relavant reason to be against you today. You DID push him out of bed.." 

"I know I did, How could I not know what I've done?" I said and poked Max, not all that hard.

"Stop poking people Chrissy" Nath' said and poked me extremely lightly.

"You guys should learn to poke-back then!" I said and smiled. There was a knock at the door. 

"ILL GET IT!" said Max and ran straight for the door. Me and Nath' ran after him, followed by Tom, Jay and Siva. "CAITLYNN!"  Jay and Max yelled. 

"Try not to yell so loud you guys. Sheesh. If you were gonna be like THAT every time you saw her, we could always invite her to stay THEN you guys would be as sick of her as you are of me" I smiled, jokingly. "Hey Caitlynn!" I smiled at her.

"Hi guys! How's it going?" she hugged Max. "and nice joke by the way Ella!" one of my many nicknames.

"Thanks Kate. I guess it's good, but then better idea. Ask these guys!!" I pointed at the boys. Tom pointed a me.

"She pushed me out of bed.. Im still aching." He said, rubbing his shoulder.

"Get an alarm clock and get up using it, then you wont NEED to be aching every morning Tom." Kate smiled at that.

"So you had to push him again then? Haha. Shes right though Tom, you seriously need an alarm clock." She hugged him. "If it's hurting that much, take some painkillers. They'll help ease the pain. But then they are called pain KILLERS....." she trailed off and Jay started laughing. 

"You allways end up saying stuff like that Kate!" he hugged her.

"I know Jay. Hehe." She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Lets go sit down? Please!?" said Nath' I started laughing.

"Good idea Nathan. Haha!" we all went to the kitchen and Max made Kate some tea. Tom got a drink and took some painkillers 'cause I pushed him this morning.

"Wimp." I said, aimed at Tom.

"You wouldn't like being pushed out of bed." he said.

"STOP FIGHTING! God your like little kids! Would you like us all to treat you two like kids too? Cause we can!" Jay said and everyone but me and Tom started laughing.

"Not. Funny." we said.

"JINX!!!!" I yelled, and Tom sighed.

"You got me." He said and sighed.

"HAH! I WON! YESSSSS!" I yelled, very loudly and poked him, then, ran off upstairs. I heard feet on the stairs and ran into the room I use. I slammed the door as I heard footsteps stop outside the door. "HAH CAN'T GET ME NOW!" I ran and jumped on the bed. I heard the door open. 

"Oh Really?" I heard Tom say and I jumped off the bed. 

"Yes Really!" I anwsered just a he appeared on the other side of the bed. I tried going left, but he tried following me, so i tried the other way. we kept doing this for 10 minutes before he climbed over the bed and to the other side and i took off towards the door but, being taller, he was faster and beat me to it.

"Told you!" and he walked off back to the kitchen and I followed him.

"So did you catch her then?" Jay asked.

"Yeah." Tom said and grinned. I faked a sad face.

"You seriosuly should stop non-verbally implying that im short! First with the breakfast now beating me at running! Meanie!" I poked Him again.

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