The first attack on the nearby city was far too close for comfort for Winter and it was the first significant fight the two had, Winter begging Arden to go home and be safe. Arden won the argument, claiming to be much safer near Winter, where they could protect her if necessary.

The second attack saw the argument renewed as the attacks got more vicious and closer. This time however, Arden was the one asking Winter to go home. Meeting Arden had somewhat curbed Winter's disregard for their own life but they still took many risks of which Arden did not approve.

The attacks continued to get closer and more frequent but Winter and Arden seemed to have reached an agreement that they were sticking together and would be staying at the camp for the time being.


The latest was the closest and most violent attack yet. As per usual, Winter was sent out to fight back against the insurgents intent on taking what was left of their country.

This time though, Winter came back more injured than ever before. They were delirious and in and out of consciousness for weeks. Recovery from the head injury and blood loss was not easy nor quick.

Meanwhile, the attacks kept coming, and people kept dying.


Winter was finally up and around again, though not in fighting shape, when the worst attack yet rained down upon them.

The army of Vuluth  had never dared attack the camp before but something was different today. They changed tactics entirely and attacked the camp directly, rather than drawing Ardor's soldiers out. It was chaos.

There was a flurry of spells and swords flying around the camp, difficult to distinguish friend from foe. Arden and Winter were stuck in the medical ward waiting for the sounds of battle to cease, unable to help.

As the clashing of swords faded, the cries of the wounded began. Arden could not be restrained any longer and she rushed from the tent to save who she could, Winter on her heels. It was a scene of nightmares.

Arden, sweet, darling, amazing Arden, set to work immediately. She dashed around the camp doing what she could for those that still had life. Winter was in a daze. 

The bodies of their friends scattering the usually lively camp hit Winter with a rush. Tristan's face, morphed in agony, on his lifeless body nearly broke Winter. Their best friend. Gone. Memories of their moments together flashed through Winter's mind. Laughing by the campfire, Tristan snatching away letters to or from Arden and reading them in silly voices, skits they made up- and preformed- to lift spirits around the camp. Defending one another on the battlefield, trusting that the other always had their back. He was alone. I left him alone. And he paid for my negligence with his life. 

All of a sudden, Winter heard a scream they wished to never hear but would be burned in their memory forever.


Winter whirled around and began sprinting to their wife immediately, reaching her just in time to catch her body as she fell.

"No. No no no no no. Not you Arden. No darling, not you too. I can't lose you too," Winter was sobbing for the first time in their memory. Winter couldn't see the damage but could see Arden's pain, and acceptance. No amount of Winter's own healing abilities could save her. Arden smiled.

"It's....okay.," Arden managed to gasp out before her shuttered and strained breaths slowly ceased.

Winter snapped.


A/N: The country names are thanks to my dear friend Cassie (@cassiecosplays on TikTok, look her up) in the world she is building for us to play in! 

Hopefully the next part will be up soon! Promise, I'm working on it! 

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