Chapter 3

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"I know what I said Lonce!" Allura stated in a firm voice.

Shiro sighed and rubbed his temple "Princess I have to agree with Lance here..." He said in a hesitant voice.

Allura snapped her head towards shiro "What did you just say" All her words were laced with venom.

"This is unfair for Keith!! Even if I don't like that much this is deep even for me!" Lance yelled at Allura.


"A-allura..." Hunk said in a timid voice, scared at what would happen if he spoke louder than a whisper.

Allura just turned and went towards the door.

"We aren't done here Princess!!" Lance yelled to try and get her attention.

Allura opened the door.

Keith's POV

As Allura walked towards the door I tried to scurry away but I wasn't fast enough...

My foot got cought on something and I fell.

Kolivan's POV

"I've seatched the whole castle where could he be!?" I was freaking out, a kit shouldn't be alone they can ger hurt

He started to run towards the control room and right when he turned the corner he saw Keith hit the floor.

"Kit!!" I yelled. "Keith!!" Allura yelled in anger "You are going to stain the floor!" Allura said every word with drips of venom.

As I ran towards the kit he started to wimper softly no human could hear it except for galra.

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