Harry(make me feel better)

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"You're a dumb delusional ass bitch if you really thought I ever loved you y/n. Why do you think I've been sleeping with other people huh so your dumbass would get the message." My now ex boyfriend yelled at me. I tried to stop them before they came but the tears just started flowing.

"Y-you don't mean that. Please tell me you don't really mean that." I said with tears in my eyes. His look told me the answer I needed. He didn't need to know he was getting to me anymore so I wiped my tears away and said "Ya know what fuck you I've been nothing but be loyal to you oh and by the way I'm tired of faking it maybe the next guy I get with can actually make me cum you dick." I packed my bags and I was about to walk out the door he pushed me into it and I hit my head hard. He turned me around and he raised his fist and then next second it collided with my face. I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could and he dropped. I grabbed my bags and ran.

I ended up a couple blocks from where I used to live. I started crying because well now I have to find a place to sleep, my face hurts from where he hit me, and I have no clue what I'm going to do. I grabbed my phone and called my best friend Harry. It was ringing "c'mon c'mon pick up pick up" I said to well myself. After the fourth ring he answered.

"Hey y/n what's up" he said

"Harry I-I need y-you to c-come pick m-me up" I tried my best to get it out while I was crying.

"Hey woah y/n what's wrong" he said and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I'll ex-explain wh-when you g-get here" I said in a sob.

"It's going to be alright love I'm getting in the car now where are you at" he said. I told him what street I was on and waited for him to come pick me up. 10-15 minutes later I saw a black range rover pull up and the window rolled down to reveal Harry. I grabbed my bags and got in the passengers side not looking up at him."Thank you Haz"

"Y/n what's wrong" he asked. I didn't want to cry but it hurts.

" he-he broke up with me and he-he said that I'm a dumb delusional ass bitch if I really thought he loved me and-and-and that he was s-sleeping with o-other p-people so I would get the message and it's like I-I didn't e-even d-do anything I-I've always been loyal and loved him, always told him where i was going i-in case he needed to find me for something and he-he nevermind." I said

"No and he what y/n" he said.

"Nothing Hazza it's ok" I said.

"Y/n look at me" he said. I shook my head no. "Look at me y/n" I looked up at him and he saw the bruise on my face.

"He fucking hit you I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard" Harry said.

"Harry please don't I'm fine." He looked at me and his eyes softened. "Harry I um I need a place to stay can I crash at yours for the night"

"Course y/n you're always welcomed you know that" he smiled at me. Then he drove off to his house. Once we got there I went to the guest room and got myself situated. I sat on the bed and I started crying. I tried not to let out any noise but I couldn't hold the sob back anymore. Harry came in and saw the state I was in. He came over and hugged me and kept telling me "it's going to be ok I'm here"

"Haz-" I said sniffing. He looked at me. "Can you make me feel better please"

"Y/n how can I make you feel better let me know and I'll do it"

"I just I need someone to show me what love is supposed to feel like, someone to make love to me and not fuck for 5 minutes and finish and leave me, someone to make me feel loved like I'm actually worth something" I said.

He nodded and stood in between my legs. He leaned down and connected our lips. I started to kiss back and it was a slow kiss it wasn't rushed like it always was with y/e/n(your ex's name). He slowly pushed me back onto the bed with him hovering over me, carefully not breaking the kiss. We kissed for a while until we both needed to pull back for air. He started to kiss my neck until he found my sweet spot causing me to moan. When he found it he gave it a lot of attention leaving me squirming underneath him. He took my shirt off and started to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach. "You're very beautiful y/n not just your body but your personality as well. Please stop letting these people hurt you. You're an amazing girl and these people haven't been making you feel that way. You don't deserve to feel like this and I'm sorry I've let it go on this long. It's ok I'm here now and I'm gonna make you feel better don't worry." He said as he made his way up my body and back to my neck again. From my neck he went back to my mouth and again it was a slow kiss and it felt nice for the kiss not being rushed. He pulled apart to take my pants down.

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