Part 1

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We were fighting this huge squid type of thing... I had a sword, my dad had a gun and his signature helmet. Gumora had a gun for the first time I've ever seen. My dad made jokes of it, (seemed jealous but whatever) Drax was ready and so was rocket, groot was jammin' out to some music while we fought. Drax got caught into the body Gamora grabbed my sword and slit through the giant thing. We arrived to the queen we greeted her and she gave my dad what we came for he took it, I snuck some batteries and so did rocket.

"Psst, zephidora" i turned to rocket "look" he pulled out batteries. I pulled out too and we start laughing on our way out we get on the ship and we start getting chased. We are now on the run from these people because of Rocket and I. The ship broke a little along the way.  Everyone turned to me.

"Zephadora Denise Quill" Gamora started. "What did you do!?" She said with a stern voice. "I didn't do anything" I said defensively. My dad gave me the face I rolled my eyes "why is it always me? Couldn't it have been Drax or Rocket!?" My dad raised a eyebrow. I threw out the batteries. "There happy!?" I said I stormed off to my room. I heard Gamora sigh "that's the 4th time this week. We are no longer thieves it's time." I walked away. I didn't care where they'd send me. I'm tired of the galaxy.

I later heard a knock on my door. I open it. "What do you want" I say to my dad as he stepped in, "we need to talk." He sounded scared. "What?" I responded sarcastically. "We are sending you back to earth. You need time to find yourself and I don't think I'm the best for you right now." He said looking down ashamed I stood up from where we sat on my bed. "EARTH!? REALLY? YOUR ALL I HAVE DAD." I sat up to face him with tears about to fill my eyes. "YOU WONT EVEN TELL ME ABOUT MY MOM!" I was so angry. "I have to talk to you about your mom before I send you to earth as well, because your not like every other human on earth." He told "I know, I'm 'special' whatever that means" he told me all the time how I'm special, "not in a every other human way though" he paused and stood up, "when your mad, your eyes change variety of colors" I turned stunned, we didn't have any mirrors on the ship, I always wondered why but Gamora did my hair so I didn't really care.

I didn't believe him.

"I need proof." I said head held high. "Fine" he goes and pulls out the security cameras. A few weeks ago I had a out burst with my dad about how he wouldn't tell me about my mom. I was mad I yelled. He zoomed in on my eyes they where! "How long?" He turns surprised "since you where born" he turned away. I was just disappointed, why wouldn't anyone tell me? Was there more powers he wasn't telling me about? Then I had a amazing idea.

"Father dearest, I have a wager" I said turning to him with a smirk.

"What would that be?"

"I'll go willingly to earth, IF you and I have 5 minute calls every other day and you answer my questions about my birth giver." I proudly proposed my idea to my dad.

"Deal" he put his hand out

We shook hands it was final. I would finally know more. But at the cost of being away from my dad and Gamora who IS and ALWAYS will me my mother figure. Drax, rocket and groot, are like my family too, I'll miss them a great cost.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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