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The UTD is the government that represents Earth , its colonies and its vassal races and its conquered territory. It's a military junta government, which promotes human superiority and dominance in the galaxy. It's leaders are highly xenophobic even though they had many alien client races serving in their ranks .

The UTD is one of the strongest military and economical superpower in the galaxy, second only to the Galactic Republic . It is the dominant superpower in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy , after the subjugation of their rival state , The Chiss Ascendancy
The UTD control almost entirety of the Orion arm of the galaxy, with more than a thousand star system under their control , which vary in population , from hundreds of millions(Dwarka, New Hong kong) to several billion(Arcadia, Valhalla, Reach) with hundreds of planets of their subjugated client races and other minor mining systems. The population of UTD is currently 500 billion humans and and another 100 billion of the other client races

Even though the Terran territory is small compare to the likes of Galactic Republic or the lawless Hutt space their worlds, even the minor outer colonies are highly industrialized, heavily defended, and their naval and ground forces are all well-equipped and well trained, and VERY experienced.

Terran industrial might, is also nothing to scoff at while not as great as the Republic , they are oders of magnitude greater than any other galactic entity.

No sane species or government will try to attack Terran space because not only it is heavily defended but there is only one recognised hyperspace lane , to access entry to the Unknown Regions without the risk of starships colliding with black holes , neutron stars and other celestial bodies and the Terrans after learning the existence of the greater galaxy , began a string of fortification of planets that is directly at the path of hyperspace lane, the most important being the planet of cadia
a heavily populated industrial planet with a population of 2 billion


When the UTF was in power , the terran navy was mainly a colonization and exploration force and its combat effectiveness was heavily reduced due to constant intervention of the Federal senate for one political reason or another .During the Bug War the senate not only refused to give the Federal High Command the emergency power it needed during the times of war but also refused the order of total mobilization which resulted in many of the outer colonies being lost to the xeno forces

When the UTD came to power, terran military not only expanded it became mandatory for all Terran citizen to receive two years of military traning .
It is also under the constitutional law 25
that at least 5℅ of the population must serve under the military during peace time , which can increase to 20℅-40℅ during total mobilization

The armed forces are divided into SEVEN different branches, with two sub-branches for the navy and air force

The Directorate Colonial Defense Force or CDF for short. The CDF is the planetary militia of the colonies. Each colony depending on its size and importance are allowed to have their own defense force. These colonial forces vary in degree of training and equipment from planet to planet each following their own standard and their own method of training

The main occupation of CDF is to garrison and police the colonies and protect it from internal insurrection or a foreign invasion

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