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They look out the door of the computer room to see 5 zombies running in. 

"Shoot 'em!", Matt Yelled. She shot one in the head and felt something come into her pocket.

"A hundred dollar bill!", She said. 

"This is like Call of Duty zombies!", Joe said. When all the zombies were cleared out, they started exploring. They found juggernog, double tap, and the mystery box. Matt hit the box and got a RPD! Everdeen got a Galil, Joe got a HAMR, and Ivan got a Kap-40.

"aww come ON!", Ivan shouted.

" We need jug next.", Joe said calmly, like this happened every day. Soon after getting enough,they all rushed down to the jug. Ivan got thier first, bragging.

"Ha Ha! I got here first!", he mocked his friends. He drank it and threw it on the ground.

"I've always wondered what that tasted like", Ivan sneered. "Tastes like root beer!". Soon they all had monkeys, 100 rounders, and all the perks they could find.

"Where's the pack-a-punch?" Matt asked.

"It must be outside.", Evergreen said. They rushed outside to find the pack-a-punch. Then they say the horde of zombies! They ran back inside and were pondering what to do. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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