I wish

22 4 10

When you listen to Olivia Rodrigo too much xd

I wish I still had you to whisper in my ear,
To run your thumb under my eye and suck away my tear.

I wish I could still hold you tight and call you mine,
I wish our night never fell and we could bathe in our sunshine.

But you dropped me so unprepared that I broke, and I broke bad,
I'm smiling because I'm numb baby I'm not sad.

You took me in every way, i had a blindfold on my eyes,
But now that I can see, all I see are lies.

But I'm still smiling because you made me the happiest I've been,
You were the hand to hold, the cheek to kiss and the shoulder to lean.

Because yes you broke me, but I was already broken before you,
Oh how I wish I could still adore you.

- Pari

"You ask me what is love, but I can't tell you,
It's something that can consume you, compell you."

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