(RiD) A Storm In The Room :: Optimus Prime + Sparkling/Femme-ling! Reader

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You wonder what your late Sire was like so a room was opened for you to discover what he was like.


You walked back inside the house, now all alone in your own home. You walked in and glanced up at the painting of Optimus.

Sighing, you head to the shower, where you changed out of your loincloth and takes off your earrings

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Sighing, you head to the shower, where you changed out of your loincloth and takes off your earrings. Afterwards, you warmed up some dinner and prepares to eat it. Again, you get distracted by the painting of Optimus and began to get uncomfortable. You then decided to go outside to eat on the porch, when it starts to rain.

"Huh, it's nice." You begin to eat, when the rain instantly worsens, with strong winds and lightning strikes. Startled and soaked, you quickly ran back inside the house and sits down on the living room couch. You looked at your dinner in disappointment, half of it blown away by the wind earlier, and glances at the painting of Optimus again.

You sighs "You know, sometimes I wonder if it's even you up there, smiling all day and night. I just want to know the real you. Not the you that everyone tells me about. I... just want to know the truth." Your spark begins to glow and the Base Gate opens up to Optimus' room. You glance at the painting again, and at the opened base door.


You enter the room cautiously, as the door vanishes behind you.

"Uhh... Hey room! It's been a bit huh? Is that a new cloud?" You chuckle sheepishly "So, I suppose you're wondering why I'm here, I know nothing in here is real but... I wanna see my sire." Optimus Prime appears from clouds and you blushed. Optimus walks up to you and kneels before you.

"Hello Steven." Optimus said.

"Umm... It's- It's nice to meet you." You out your servo.

Optimus giggles and shakes your servo "It's nice to meet you too."

You giggled. "Sorry, this is a little weird for me."

"That's okay, so what do you wanna do?" Optimus asked.

"Oh, uhh... I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead. Do you like video games?" You asked.

A game console appears beside You. You and Optimus begin to play a game called "Super Smash Bros".

"So tell me about this game (Y/D)." Optimus said.

"Well... I guess it's an fighting game, which is a extension of previous games. Based on a games by Nintendo games that I like. It's kinda weird and hard to explain, but, that's why I like it." You said.

"That sounds just marvelous." You and Optimus play the game as (Insert Character) and Snake respectively, and You beat Optimus in the game.

"Yeah, I won!" You said.

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