Chapter 4

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Keefe's POV

He entered his bedroom, yawned, collapsed on his bed, then fell unconscious. The next thing he knew, Lady Gizela, his mother was staring at him. He blinked twice, then bolted upright. Or rather, tried to bolt upright. He was restrained. He turned to glare at his mom. 

"Just wanted to say hi, after you'll be put, oh, in that direction," she said waving vaguely to the left. 

"Moms are overrated" he muttered, "or at least mine is"

"Goodbye, darling" She smirked, "take him away. Get him to Telepaths, Mesmers, and Empaths ASAP"

He was taken to a bland room where he heard in his mind

Keefe. Where are you? Are you OK? KEEFE!!!

Keefe Keefe Keefe Keefe Keefe KEEFE KEEFE!!!



Yes, yes. I'm fine. I was taken by the Neverseen. I-I can't talk now. Bye.

 He was dragged into a room, tied, beaten, interrogated, and so on. At the very least he was sore, exhausted, and, worried. He finally was left alone, but woken early the next day. He was yanked to another room full of people. 

"We have a prisoner. We need Telepaths to monitor his thoughts, making sure he's telling the truth, Empaths to monitor his emotions making sure he's telling the truth, as security. Mesmers, if needed, you are to force him to answer."




"Who's the prisoner?"

"Ah, the prisoner is... Keefe Cassius Sencen."

"Mr. Vacker, come here"



"Since you are... familiar with Mr. Sencen, maybe you'd like to convince him to talk"

"Yes, sir"

"Now, go into his mind."

Fitz dived in. But...

Keefe felt a warm, shape on the outside of his "wall" {Sophie taught Keefe how to make a mental wall}

It melted then reduced into a tiny ball, then dove into a crack. He panicked, then imagined concrete and slapped it onto the crack. He did it again for all the other cracks. He could feel Fitz's mind shape into something bigger and slam into the wall.

"I-I can't. It's too strong."

"Yeah? Alden's Golden Boy can't do it? GETHEN!"


"Go. Into. Keefe's. Mind."


a moments pause

"I can't do it."


"Hypnotic, Lea, Fitz, anyone. GET! INTO! THE! BOYS! MIND! Work together if you have to" he spat out, slowly looked over the room. "Or else..."

Fitz's POV

After a pause, everyone scrambled to try something. "Lea?!" Fitz called.


"C-Can you help me?"

He dived in again, but this time he saw other bright shapes banging on Keefe's wall.

Since when did Keefe become a Telepath he thought

He found Lea and entered into her glob, making it 2 times bigger, and stronger. 

"Shape into a cone"

They shaped into a sharp cone, Fitz being the pointy end, and Lea being the base.

"On three," Lea said




They drove into a wall, falling back while only managing to barely dent the wall. Still, that was better than anyone else was managing.

"I'm going to find a Mesmer. See you later."

"You don't need to do that"


"Probably because there's one standing right in front of you"

"Huh? Where" he said spinning around

"Hello? Do you see me? I'm a Mesmer"

"I thought you were a Polygot and a Telepath."

"and a Mesmer. I have 3 abilities. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah" 

"Let's try again."

 They tried, well everyone tried. No one could get Keefe to talk, or could get past his wall.

Keefe's POV

(Keefe is standing.)

"Leave him, erase his memories and let him go, torture him, whatever you want. He's useless now. Mostly because he won't talk but also because I can sense he can overcome his ability now." Lady Gisela said

"Alright let's get started." a cruel voice said. "I picked the 3rd option, by the way. Let's start with human devices, shall we?"

He pressed a Taser onto Keefe's shoulder and blasted a mild dose.

A shock of electricity traveled onto it. He doubled over, clutching his shoulder, and inevitably collapsed onto the ground. He saw stars, Sophie, Fitz, Mr. Forkle, his mom, then... blackness. He opened his eyes to see a man staring at him. "Get up"

He slowly rose to his knees. 

"Now, I will use a ... Pain Ray. It heats the water under your skin to high degrees. Interesting... Actually, I'll use a Rubber Ball Hand Grenade. It flings rubber bullets, not actually killing the person." he said, taking obvious pleasure in explaining the process of how he was going to hurt Keefe.

He backed up, aimed, and fired. This time Keefe instantly collapsed and blacked out. Twice in one day was too much. 

The man left then came back a while later after Keefe regained his consciousness

The man said, "Get up, Lady needs you."  

798 words

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