Scramblin' Man

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When he woke up ready to start the day it was actually morning. Driving truck that didn't always happen. The best time to be on the road in his mind was the middle of the night when more people were off the roads. He quickly loaded up his shower bag and headed off. Plans had been made yesterday with one of the other drivers to eat together before getting back on their respective paths. The others had had to pull out already.

Toilet. Breakfast. Shower. Refuel. Head out. A simple plan for a simple man. And none of this brushing teeth before breakfast either. What's up with that? He wanted to taste eggs and jam not mint toothpaste. It wasn't like he'd be doing lots of smooching to offend anyone anyway.

After a cursory trip to the facilities, he settled into a booth and sent a text to his buddy.

* Y'upyet?* His personal shorthand for 'Are you up yet?'

*No, I'm sleep texting.' Put a smile on his face. He gave a contented sigh as he sipped his water and watched the ebb and flow of people around him. He imagined what each person's story could be. Being on the road alone so much afforded him lots of time inside his head to ponder life and death and everything in between.

His musings were abated as he was finally joined in the booth.

"Mornin' Sunshine." The cheerful man greeted as he slid across the vinyl seat.

"Aren't you all kinds of perky this morning?"

"Yep!" He agreed with the biggest smile gracing his face. "Two more days and I'll be home in time for my youngest's birthday."

"Congrats, Harry. How old is she now?"

"Three going on thirty. Sassiest thing she is too." Pride flowed from his voice.

At that moment, the door to the kitchen swung open and out came a young server looking around frantically with a toddler in her arms. Her eyes landed on them, and she rushed over.

"Oh, Ben. I'm glad you're here. Could Ryan sit with you until his daddy gets here from his shift? Poor baby has a cold, so I couldn't take him to the sitters, but I know you both have kids. Would you mind? He can't be in the kitchen and there are too many strangers in here today." She looked at them hopefully.

Ben smiled and reached his arms up. "Come're Sweet Boy."

The toddler settled into his arms and stared into his eyes with the serious intense gaze only a child could pull off. His mother set his bag and a sippy cup on the table.

"He's not eating well, but if you can coax some juice into him that would be great." She bent forward and kissed the top of Ryan's head before scurrying back to the kitchen to wash up and get her order pad.

Ben made a silly face and patted the boy's back gently letting him continue to assess him at his own pace. Some people tried too hard with kids at first and could easily overwhelm them.

He continued to rub his back soothingly and make occasional faces as the men talked. Ryan relaxed against him leaning into his shoulder more and rubbing his collar. Ben looked into the diaper bag and found a small blanket with a silk binding and a bear head at one corner. Offering it to Ryan, he also held open the bag.

"Is there anything else you want from in there, Bubby?" He asked. Ryan shook his head 'no' as he clutched the blanket rubbing his favorite worn corner of the blanket. Ryan had yet to sit as he stood in the bend of Ben's arm, but he leaned into him more.

A server came over and they ordered their food. Ben expertly made sure to keep his coffee cup to the side away from the child to avoid an accident.

Day and NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz