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Welcome back Strangers


So STRANGERS, we are going to do this in a different way. 

 Normally all the judges would judge the books all at once but we have a twist

 The judging will take place in 3 sections. Participants will be eliminated at every stage

This is a benefit for the participants as they don't need to wait for long times to know their position.

 For all genres, the starting chapters would be read and would be judged. 

 In the first round, there would be 12 books that would be chosen by 2 judges. The 2 judges would judge 6 books each. 

 In the next round, the chosen 12 would be again judged but by other judges and the judging criteria would be tighter than the first section's. 6 books would be chosen and the other 6 would be eliminated.In the last and final round, the remaining 6 books would compete against each other and the best 4 would be considered as the winners. 

The best judges would be given prizes for their hard-work.

To ask any doubts/questions, please type here~



Be safe

Stay Healthy


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