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This situation oddly felt similar to last week. Only this time he was nursing me. He worked as if he had done this about a hundred times. Quite probable given his recent events. He checked for swelling and signs of the bone being broken. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Or so was his verdict. He smiled at me when he opened the tube of ointment. His smile was to reassure me that he got this. And he seemed like he did. He was a lot more hurt than me. His applying ointment on me sought funny to me. He tried not to bend cause of his wound in the back.

"I can do it." I mumbled. Even though I didn't want to look at the sign of my failure to protect myself. I wasn't exactly proud of this. Getting hurt was out of the question. I can't believe I let this happen. I needed to work more on my fighting skills. I barely used the home gym I had. I never had the time to, I realised I needed to give time for that too. I had to get in shape.

"It's cool. I hate it when I get hurt too. I don't even want to see them. They just serve as reminders of carelessness and betrayal." I raised my eyebrows a bit.

Great minds think alike.

A thought occurred to me. We were both a mess. I had to fight someone at least once a week to stay sane and he didn't even have to do that. I stared at his form working on my injury. He applied the ointment and capped it and placed it back in the first aid box. This was the first time I got hurt during a fight and for no particular reason, I wanted to blame him.

"You should call the deal off." There he went again.

"What deal are you talking about? I am a businesswoman a load of deals come to my mind when you say that." I knitted my eyebrows and observed as he became tensed and guarded. Like he always did whenever I asked him something related to him.

"The deal you made with Nitendo." I think I had heard that name somewhere.

"Hmm?" I refilled my teacup and tried to not groan with pain.

"Here let me." He took the kettle from me and poured it into my cup.

"I can do it on my own." I rolled my eyes and took the cup from him.

"Of course you can. I just wanted to help. There's nothing wrong in taking the help." He mumbled and placed the kettle back.

"You're not having any?" I inquired.

He shook his head and winced a bit when he settled onto the couch. It was his back. He always forgot he was hurt there. He pushed himself to sit straight but that hurt him too. A normal person would be on bed rest with the number of injuries he had. But then, he didn't deem me as a normal person.

"You might know him as Julio Mariano." The moment he spoke his name my eyebrows knitted and I stared at him in complete disbelief.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I blinked and placed the cup on the table before I break it.

"He's using you, your company. For his gain." He spoke calmly but with a strange urgency.

"Well, that's what business is Nicholas." I snapped.

He took a deep breath and shook his head.

"This is a much dangerous business, the one you didn't bargain for. The one that isn't clear on the papers." His eyes never left mine. Despite the certainty in his gaze, I did not want to believe him.

"How? How is having a completely normal deal with a hotel chain owner dangerous? Is there something I don't know about?"

His face screamed 'You don't know shit.'

"I can't call this deal off Nicholas. It's one of the most impacting deals I have ever had. We are going to hit our goals much earlier with this deal. It's all going to be great." I stared at him as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. He didn't say anything.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have this deal." I folded my arms and then unfolded them when it hurt my ribs a bit.

"I don't know it exactly yet, but I am sure his intentions aren't good."

I scoffed and picked my cup of tea again.

This man was mad. Or he had gone mad.

"Please, call it off." He whispered and looked away.

He seemed out of it. He stared at the living room window longingly. His stature was that of a defeated man. His eyes reflected something that did in mine too. And I felt it. I looked down and stared at my hands. I felt a sense of gloom over my head. I remembered things I wanted to bleach my head off of. I swallowed the tea thinking it would calm me. But some things didn't go away just by an external dopant. I squeezed my eyes shut and laid my head on the sofa.

Sleep came in a blink.

I felt my body being shifted and then nothing.

My hand touched the floor and I opened my eyes. I heard a faint conversation from somewhere, possibly the kitchen area and my body jolted upright. Alert. Still a bit tired I quietly walked to the source of the sound. I pushed my hair behind my ear as I leaned into the wall separating the living room from the kitchen and breakfast table. I could see two shadows and hear two voices. Sleep was still wearing my eyes and I just didn't want to deal with something right now.

But life just wouldn't get a hint sometimes, would it?

"She's in danger." A female voice spoke.

"As if I don't fucking know that, Kat." I heard the familiar voice of Nicholas.

Great, he's having guests now. What next? Should I double my medical supplies or what?

"You shouldn't have come here. What if he gets to know you're here?" He spoke again. So he doesn't care that if I get to know that she's here? I can be pretty daunting too, I scoffed internally.

"I had to come to see where the hell you are staying. I didn't believe you when you said your neighbour let you in that night." Ugh. I still can't believe I did that.

"I don't know how, but yeah she did, she's a good person." Nicholas spoke. Good, my ass. I was just a moody lonely person, that's it.

"Guess your charm does work." I twisted my face at the last part, and I could hear a smile through the last line. I groaned.

I sighed and placed my body in their view.

They both look at me with wide eyes.

But I was sure mine was wider.

The woman was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. She had short pixie hair. Nicholas had changed into similar clothes. I saw a bag on the table. It was half-open. I stared at the two of them while they stared at me. But the moment came to a halt.

Because they both had their guns out.

Pointed at me.

Oh well.

Time to die.


A/n: Hey, what's going on with you amazing humans?✨


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