Still here huh? very good, very good..

Well dear reader as I promised here is my story.

I am a human, fascinating isnt it? Well in my opinion humans are despicable but also very intriguing. "Man" made fire, oh they also made gunpowder, ironic how not so long ago there was another school shooting, I am telling you! us humans, we are very vil but also very much astonishing; humans create things every single day, discover, question, we are unpredictable, right? one day we discover the moon and the other a psycho decides that chocolate milk is the best drink to go along with your school lunch, pity right?

Humans are stupid, but also very clever. And that's what the world is about, you will meet stupid but also very wonderful people, only that you have to be astute enough to decide who you surround yourself with. They say you are what you eat. Do you want to be consumed and suffocated by stupid people, or be with people who instead of eating your brain, they illuminate you with new questions and ideas? Dear reader think.

I will have to admit I have been very stupid, all my life. I was a toy, people fixed me to their liking, and I would let it happen. I thought that being a good person meant sacrificing yourself for your significant others, well I was totally wrong... my story started years ago, but I dedice when I want it to be tell. 

Something very weird about myself is that I am a magnet, crazy right? Well let me tell you I am not a normal magnet, no of course I am not. I attract peope who are at their lowest, they often like to get to know me, but what they mainly look for, is a person that will help them be happy again, well thats me! I can be a dick sometimes, but I am brilliant I have to admit, I know what I have, what I want, and what I can do with it. I have never hated myself actually, surprising isnt it? You know why? The person who teached me all these things is my favorite person in the world, the person who has always looked after me, the person who was with me at my lowest, the person who loved me no matter what, and that eventually is.. me. Shoking right? Well indeed that is me.

I take pride on what I do, and who I am, I've learned to do it. I have realized that a woman doesnt know how powerful her voice is until she has been silenced. This people I told you about earlier, they really want to know what triumph is like, but when the moment comes they panic. They dont know how to manage so many emotions at the same time, I do not blame them but I certainly would never like to be them, life is an unique opportunity to show who you are, the real world is not pink with unicorns, it's not a flat rock either, pity of you if you ever thought that.

I might be someone who speaks very harsh and maybe a bit confusing, but maybe you dont need to understand overall, I am just letting out my thoughts about my existence, perharps you dont have anything else to do and you have decided to crack this very unusual "story". 

Dear reader, I might need to stop writing now, I apologize for that. I need to arrange my thoughts if you dont mind, if not this story will not end well. I hope you have stuff to think about reader.

-See you very soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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