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Another crack of the whip. Another scream.


Another lash, another scream.

"Two." Her teeth gritted.

The pain was excruciating, even after going through the same twenty lashings each day. It never stopped. It wouldn't until she was broken inside and out. That had been the promise.

Body slumped against the cold, iron pole, Nyx fought back the tears that stung her eyes. Her shirt was bloodied and torn. Her hair had been matted to her forehead with dirt and sweat. She lurched forward at the feeling of the whip again.

"Three." Nyx spat.

She felt her skin stitching back together automatically. Nyx was at her limit. The pain was becoming numb to her. She was beginning to feel nothing. She was nothing. A mere prisoner waiting for death.

But death would never come. No, she was far from death. She could feel her mental and emotional barriers breaking. Brick by brick. There would be nothing left soon.

Nyx was devoid of hope at this point. No one would know where she was. Even she didn't know where she was kept.

Another lash. Nyx whimpered.


Her head hung low. The ropes around her wrists had bruised and dug into her wrists.

"Who are you?" Her warden had asked.

"I am the Princess of—" she was cut off with a lashing.

"I will ask again. Who are you?"

She had been asked this question every day since she was tied up down there. Nyx couldn't find the words anymore. A tear slowly slipped from her cheek.

"No one." Nyx mumbled.

"What?" Her captor demanded. His footsteps came closer. Nyx could she his shoes right in front of her.

Nyx slowly lifted her head, blowing hair out of her face. Her body shook with the pain, rage and adrenaline that rushed though her.

Her captor wickedly grinned. He grabbed her chin, forcing Nyx to look at him properly.

"Who are you?" He repeated.

And slowly, those brick walls fell. Nyx felt nothing. No thoughts went through her head. Her body went numb.

"I am no one."

With a slight chuckle, Nyx's captor let her head fall. He went behind her again. Nyx just limply sat there.

The lashing started again. Nyx made no sound. She shed no tears.

I am no one, she silently told herself.

I am no one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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